Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Saavy mate...

Hello, well it has been too long since we last spoke. I just recently came back from an action packed weekend in Atlanta, Georgia with Abizer and his family. The wedding was a very amusing one. And the city was much more fun. We went to the headquarters of Coca-cola and CNN. I tried cola from different parts of the world and let me say not all were that tasty. The one from Italy was raunchy. Ewww...

At CNN we saw how they read the teleprompter and how the weather map works. Its very similiar to the invisibility cloak that Harry Potter uses. The trick is that the computer is designed so that when it sees the color green it replaces it with the current weather map. So the weatherman just stands in front of a green wall and moves his arms in a general direction to indicate incoming winds and fronts. But if he wears the color green by mistake he becomes invisible since his shirt for instance is now gone and replaced with the background. So you will only see his head and legs... Just like Harry's invisiblity cloak... So cool.

Besides that, I have been up to no good watching movies and movies. I recently saw Superman II. Damn is he hot... growl. He can save me any day. The movie had great visual effects and a pretty good overall theme. Also, they had the original Lex Luther star as the arch nemisis so that was nostalgic. But the best part was Superman is a daddy.. Louis Lane the mother.. and a too hard to deny cliffhanger ending. So hopefully we will get to see our hot superman in man tights very soon. I also saw the 12:01 showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest on Thursday. I thought it was okay. Nothing to get my panties in a bunch though. Johnny Depp was handsome as ever with his to die for accent and killer good looks. But Kiera was blah and so was Orlando who didn't quite bloom in this sequel. The movie dragged on and on for hours with a story plot that many of us have forgotten the finer bits to so it made no sense. Not to mention the annoyance we all had to bear listening to the pirate clad individuals sitting behind me.

pink objects, overgrown bushes, white tales...

Thursday, June 1, 2006
10:12:14 PM

Hey kiddo's, what's up. So recently Abs got me a new phone. Its a pink Slvr. It's soooooooo cute. I really wanted a new phone since I was getting tired of my old phone. Well when I see you you all I will show you and update my pictures file.

So I spent the day, trimming the bushes .. and no not mine (only reason I mention that is because I told Abs on the phone I was trimming my bush and I would call him later and he went interesting)...I think a few of them are crooked but none the less okay. For you Sex and the City fans I will try to make one into a lightening bolt. giggle

So I found a book on the history of weddings and I found a few interesting facts. So here they are without further ado.

Did you know ?
It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply the son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer, and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the "honey month" or what we know today as the "honeymoon."

It's okay to wear white.
Twenty-nine percent of women are virgins when they marry.

Did you know?
On average, on their wedding day, woman will speak 7000 words over the course of the day while a man will speak only 2000 words in the same period of time.

The tradition of having members of the wedding party dress alike was started in hope that evil spirits would become confused and have a more difficult time distinguishing which one is the bride, and thus be prevented from putting a hex on her.
Let's hope the photographer was not equally confused.

Snow tends to mess up a wedding gown.
June is the most popular month for weddings, followed by August, September, October, and May.

Did you know?
When the officiate says "You may kiss the bride" this is meant to be more than just a token of affection. It has long been a custom and tradition that the kiss is a token of bonding as well as the exchange of spirits as each partner sends a part of themselves into the new spouse's soul, there to live ever after.

Did you know?
Traditionally, the bride had to enter her new home the first time through the front door. If she tripped or stumbled while entering, it was was considered to be very bad luck. Hence the tradition of the groom carrying the bride over the threshold.

And you thought European soccer fans were unruly...
The garter and the bouquet toss
In parts of Europe during the 14th century, having a piece of the bride's clothing was thought to bring good luck. Guests would literally destroy the brides dress by ripping off pieces of fabric. In order to prevent this, brides began throwing various items to the guests, the garter belt being one of them. Sometimes the men would get drunk, become impatient, and try to remove the garter ahead of time. Therefore, the custom evolved for the groom to remove and toss the garter. With that change, the bride started to toss the bridal bouquet to the unwed girls of marriageable age.

Did you know?
The term "tie the knot" goes back to Roman times. The bride would wear a girdle that was tied in many knots, which the groom had the "duty" of untying. Shortly thereafter, the scissors was invented. Coincidence?

Did you know?
In Greece, it is a wedding tradition to write the names of all single female friends and relatives of the bride on the sole of her shoe. After the wedding, the shoe is examined, and those whose names have worn off are said to be the next in line for marriage.

Did you know?
Until relatively recently, brides were considered the property of their father. Their futures and husbands were arranged without their consent. The marriage of an unattractive women was often arranged with a prospective groom from another town without either ever meeting. In more than one instance, when the prospective groom say his future wife dressed in white, for the first time on the day of the wedding he changed his mind and left the bride at the alter. So to prevent this from happening it become bad luck for the groom to see his bride on the day of the wedding prior to the ceremony. Now you know where they got the idea for the veil.

Do I still have to invite my future mother-in-law?
The average number of guests invited to a wedding is 175.

Friday, July 21, 2006

those little ice cream cups...

Monday, May 22, 2006
1:51:00 AM

So its been a few days...sorry. Life is just passing me by and I am running to catch up.

I have many things to tell you. First and foremost...I hate being on a diet. ugh. I was craving those little ice cream cups made with 1/2 chocolate and 1/2 vanilla. Well, Abizer and I went and bought a full packet of about 12. We get home and every single one was smashed and leaking. grrr was I pissed. I wanted just one bite so badly, but I ended up having none since I threw the whole bag in the garbage.

Besides my never ending battle with ice cream and gods given curves...I realized that the movies I rented a few days before school ended were left in the VCR which I put into storage until September. oops. So I guess I owe them a late fine, and the charge of the DVD. giggle.

Today I spent most of the day making another one of Nishan's infamous school projects, which I ended up makingby myself in the end. So now it looks like a 21 yr old made it and not a 9 yr old. another grr.

Besides the already stated, life has been the same old. I started watching Dr. 90210 since I got home from school and damn is Dr. Rey hot. He is gorgeous and well dressed and wow. He can give me a free consultation anytime.

Well I am off to read some new HP fanfiction so bye for now...muah.

Birthdays, Graduations, and creepy food

Sunday, May 14, 2006
3:21:00 AM

Howdy, So my days have been quite busy since my last update. The MCATs are looming before us premeds. It's kind of freaking me out. But nothing a few slaps from Roshanee didn't cure. insert giggle.

Besides the unfriendly, evil, giant called M for now, my G-ma had a hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. (G-ma means grandmother) She's doing pretty well, and should be home soon. While I chill with her in the afternoons I realized that I hate hospital food, it creeps me out. I feel as if its been sprayed with disinfectant as well. Something we should do with human beings as well, in my opinion.

Today is Mother's Day. Go mom's! They work hard... feeding us, washing our clothes, feeding us, driving us around, feeding us... get my drift. For those of you who don't know I was placed on a diet. I wasn't given an option. hehe My mom was like, " Okay.. diet time. Your home from college. Here is your YMCA membership card." I was like "grunt" ..."shit"...(pause) "do they have a pool?" I go work out every day for an hour. I know its similar to the second coming...or the dead rising. Since I am exercise handicapped but I managed. Only flew from the treadmill into the wall once. Dropped my water bottle cap into the machine causing it to jam once. And somehow forgot to wear a bra only to realize while jogging. Awkward. But I'm still alive... with longer boob's though...

Tomorrow I am going with Abizer's family and Roshanee to Philly for Alifiya's graduation from Penn. They have Jodie Foster speaking at their commencement. So not cool... I have the urge to yell, "where is my baby? ...I built this aircraft.. I mean theatre." Its from the movie Flight plan.. don't ask I am deranged.

Also its Alifiya's 22nd birthday today. Yeah... 8 more years till the big 3O. Enjoy while you can... heheOkay...I need to sleep so I can look less hideous then what I will already look like with the lack of sleep I am going to get anyways.

Hmm... Sally went to the seashore to see seashells for Sue's slippery shells show in September.... bye.

GPAs, Mail Time and Gansta updates..

Wednesday, May 3, 2006
1:18:00 PM

Jane Austen is an individual who is hard to imitate, but I think Ann has done a remarkable job in this e-mail she wrote to me just today. (love you mon cherie)

"My dearest Khushboo,How I long for the day when I am allotted the honor to set mine eyes upon your face. This distance apart from you brings sorrow to my heart and aches to by poor desolate being. I can only find comfort in the thought of our reunion, where we will be in each other's company to reminisce about days long gone. I pray you think of me when the burdens of your day are light. It is not the same without you, to laugh with, to dine with, to share the pain of the fascist institution we know so well as "school". I will make it my duty to continue to be in correspondence with you, until the moment when the distance between us is dwindled to a mere extension of the hand. Goodbye for now mon amie."This was written by my dear friend Ann, who I miss dearly, from Boston. Hopefully one day in the future we will unite to continue our playful banter and devious talks about others.

In addition, my other dear friend, Neal went to the play offs for the Nets and guess who he was sitting behind...well good try but it was actually Jay-Z and Beyonce! How cool is that... he said they spoke like "old friends" and he actually kissed Beyonce's hand when he met her. Very cool.
In addition, grades were posted yesterday... I managed my A in physics II yippy. I also managed a 3.85 this semester another yippy....Abs says I deserve a gift... and hey, I am not one to argue.

Well I am off to pick up my dry cleaning and get my shoes repaired. until later...farewell.


Friday, April 28, 2006
12:26:00 AM

Well I just got back from the library, where I was studying for my last final of this semester...Physics II. Its going to be a killer final, I can feel it in my bones.. hopefully I can keep the A I have going into the exam. Ugh.. I am going to die with a calculator in my hands computing my GPA. "giggle"

Roshanee, Demet, Jane, Shivani, and Sejal are going to Caprice tonight. Rosh surprised Demet with "V" standing outside our apartment, (she was happy), and then Jane surprised her by coming when she told her on the phone, "I can't make it..." Overall a very frightening experience for the weak hearted. "boo"

I am going to study for a bit then I am off to bed, and then when I get bored I will go resume taking pictures of my fish. "click"-eirdo (for all you Russell Peter fans)

Congo lines, moving out, and girls named Princess

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
12:44:00 PM

So as usual in this university, our on-line portal isn't working... so I figured I would update my baby. Therefore sit back and enjoy the show...

Wow, its been so long since I wrote. Boo to me I guess. Let me think of all that has happened of significance over the past few weeks.

So I was rambling about the upcoming UTSAV show last time we spoke and it went pretty well. All of the acts were marvelous except Rosh and I (we were magnificent)...(evil laughter). The afterparty was amusing which is a word I think encompasses the night pretty well. The party was held in a lounge/club called News, where more tables resided than dancing room, but that didn't stop the already drunk Indians from grinding in a Congo line that snaked around the entire club. I saw a "fallen hero" dancing with an umpa loompa, death for my new purse, Rishi almost propelled out of a window, Amrita being molested by Cirque Du Soleil, a dance floor exceeding its capacity of 10 people to 50, the organization's past president asking me constantly if I knew a girl named Princess, and lastly I saw gum being swiped. It was an amusing night as I said before.

After that weekend, life was pretty much downhill though. I have been packing up the apartment since I am moving out on the 28th of April, and I have been studying for my finals. So nothing spectacular there...

Besides the above, all the student groups have been having their annual elections, so I decided to run for a few positions and defend the positions in which I am already an e-board member.

So as of today, I am: Co-President of UTSAV (our south Asian club on club) with Roshanee, VP of Finance for Biology Club, and VP of Social Services and Design for BioChemistry Club.

I would really like to join NUNews, if I can, and do a column, it would make me happy as a human being. Also Ann and I are planning on recording a show for NURadio...we are thinking of making it about SEXcapades.

Let me give you a Hint...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
12:39:00 PM

Let me tell you that participating in a treasure hunt is harder than it looks. Roshanee, Sejal, Ann, Demet, and the wonderful moi decided to play in Northeastern's annual treasure hunt. Well we lost pitifully might I add, but we did get 4 out of the 7 clues. In the end we figured cheating might just work better.. so we tried insider trader. Well by the time we got the information some other team had already won. Boo!! But it was a lot of fun.

Then Abizer, who had decided to drop by, called and said,"Why not go to Dick's Last Resort...?" and I being the ever loving individual decided why not. So we went. It has moved to Downtown, for anyone who is still looking for it near Copley. The food was blah, the rudeness was blah, but the company was yeah... Overall, it wasn't bad to go see what all the hype was about.

Then we came back and Roshanee and I started to practice for the UTSAV culture show, which is coming up this Saturday and in which I am singing.. bummer. So we decided Wednesday was a good day to start practicing for Saturday.

Weekly Planner mode

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
12:27:00 PM

It's been a while… my apologies, life has been hectic for the past couple of weeks. My mom came up and stayed with Roshanee and I for a week, and then my dad came up on Thursday as well. Roshanee was sick so my mom came to cook some good food for her, to give her medication on time, since college kids are too busy… which sadly is true...

It was a fun filled week. She pulled up with her entire trunk filled with pots and pans, vegetables, fruits, and god knows what else. My brother tagged along and bought with him, his entire Disney movie collection, and his entire x-box video game collection. I can safely assess that I ate extremely well, (so did some of my friends), and I kicked some James Bond ass during that week.

Wednesday night, a group of about 16 of us, went to CPK (California Pizza Kitchen) for Demet's pre-birthday bash. It was a very amusing night. Jane was blushing the entire night for reasons I cannot mention on the web, my brother went Jack the Riper on his napkin, then his placemat, then my mother's shoe, and the rest of us were very confused by the mere mention of triangles.
Thursday night, was the BCC dinner in Afterhours. Which went pretty well, and the decorations looked very demure, and the food looked scrumptious. After we gave everyone their gifts for finally leaving our university and us in peace, Demet's party started. We all danced the night away, and eventually ended the night by going to Our House to buy the now legal birthday girl a drink. All was silent after that...

Friday night, would not be complete without an Iranian meal, so we trudged to Beacon Hill for dinner at Lala Rokh. (damn good my friends, damn good). Then the family decided to go see the movie Take the lead, starring Antonio Bandaras and Yaya from America's Next Top Model. The movie was mediocre, with some interesting grinding positions which I am sure will revive the hip hop underground, but nothing ground shattering.

Saturday, was the lovely MCAT practice test #4 from 8AM - 4PM at MIT. It was painstakingly long but nonetheless was endured. After that Rosh and I, just chilled at home with mom and dad playing monopoly and poker. A very relaxing day in my opinion.

Sunday, was Bon Voyage for mom, dad, and Nishan. They were headed home back to the dog who probably thinks she's unwanted, and to pick up my G-ma (grandma) who is expected to arrive Monday from Iran.

Well that pretty much wraps it up, so take care and study for your FINALS....(just kidding..)

Et tu Brutus....?!?

Saturday, April 1, 2006
2:02:00 AM

Today was soooooo much fun. Abizer's co-worker Jason "Burger" invited us to his house in Allston for a barbecue. Yes I know, a barbecue in March... but it was chill. Jason lives with two other guys, Phil (whose Chinese) and Ryan (who is Irish). Phil has a hot tub in his room... hmm amusing, they have a patio, and they have a projector tv in the basement (I didn't even know Boston apartments came with a basement). So we chilled in their house for a bit, Abs and Jane played beer pong, I attempted to grill my own hot dog, which I ended up burning.. ugh, Prince Jason tried to win the heart of his Yava queen, and Ryan tried to hit on Yava's little roommate (Sara).

After a while we left to come home to party it up with Sejal at Connor Larkins for her 21st birthday but Rosh was sick with a fever (101 F) and as you all know, no use going without Rosh, so Jane, Abs, and I went to Big City on Harvard Street to re-join Phil, Jason, Ryan, Jay, Sam, and her b/f. Well let me just say it would have made quite the "Real World" episode.

So I think Jane has a thing for Phil, but I am not sure that the feeling is mutual.. so I spent the evening observing everyone's actions. We played foose ball and saw this creepy man, who was at least 40 years old, wearing pin-stripe pants, and wore one of those varsity jackets looking things that read National Foose ball champion, MA. He kept going up to groups of three, and asked them if they needed a fourth, when they agreed he would destroy them. Quite funny really.
Besides foose ball, we also played some pool. I think I lost all three games.. but there was too much commotion to really keep track of the score or my teammates for that matter.

Then the "I'll regret that in the morning" picture shoot started. Apparently Ryan told Jane to kiss him on the cheek and he would take a photo of the deed, but then when she kissed him on the cheek and the flash went off, he turned his head so it looked like she was kissing him on the lips, which is where she ended up kissing after all of the head bobbing. No comment on the ingenious method of getting a kiss from a girl unexpectedly. Then the pictureof Jane cupping Phil's balls and breasts. Another no comment.

I kind feel bad for Phil, I seem to believe that Jane kind of was particular towards him, but then Ryan pulled the Kodak kiss, and then Phil might have backed off since he is roommates with Ryan. How did Ryan weasel his way into the equation. Not sure as of yet, but hmm, will Phil still try...stay tuned for the next episode in, "The Real World: Boston."

I shall just wait to see what will happen now.

Rolling in the Benjamins..

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
11:18:00 PM

So this past weekend has been intense. On Friday it was St. Patrick's Day and also my dear friend Ann's birthday. A party of about 20 of us went to The Cheesecake Factory, and then afterwards decided to go to the club, Matrix. Which turned out to be a very memorable evening indeed. Let me tell you that some of the ugliest people I have ever seen decided to come out that evening to dance the night away to some odd assortment of 80's crap and recent hits. We all had a blast dancing and laughing, eventually deciding to call it a night and return to my place. We ended up watching Pride and Prejudice for the umpteen time resulting in me sleeping at 5ish in the morning.

The next morning I got up and packed to go to Mohegan Sun for a surprise 28th birthday party for my cousin, Dippy. I just made it in time for the bus, which was owned by a Chinese company, so reasonably they played their version of a popular Chinese soap opera on the miniature televisions which in my opinion was equivalent to Hentia anime.

Once at Mohegan though, the real fun started. We all gambled till 4-5 in the morning. I ended up winning at Blackjack about $500-600 and Rosh won about $200. Poor Abizer lost about $400 and my cousin the birthday boy won about $1000, so it was a very enjoyable evening for all the winners.

On Sunday, I went to see V for Vendetta starring Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving (the evil guy from the Matrix who keeps on multiplying). It was a damn good movie with great special effects. The mask worn by V eventually gets kind of creepy and Portman kind of loses her sex appeal after the buzz cut. But the directors make up for it by making her make out with V.. might I add while he has his mask on.. still kind of weird. But do go see the movie, a definite evening well spent.

over and out Roger...

Psychiatric hot line...

Thursday, March 16, 2006
10:02:00 PM

Hello, you've reached the psychiatric hot line. If you are obsessive/compulsive, press 1 repeatedly. If you have multiple personalities, press 2, 3, 4, and 5. If you are simply paranoid, just stay on the line - we know who you are....

That's all for now...

God must be disappointed...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
10:23:00 PM

Today I am trying to pick my housing for next semester. I am idly flipping through the shitty pamphlet my school considers our housing options.

My lovely apartment that I currently inhabit has been chosen by an evil outsider and I am devastated. No one really cares or understands the agony, I am quite alone in the gloomy air bubble that surrounds myself and my twin.

I don't understand how people can be so outwardly inconsiderate and mean hearted. It's surprising since most of the time, I put people before myself. But I have been brought up to believe and I continue to believe that if you haven't done anything wrong, good will come to you.
Hopefully like the past years, even though we have been unlucky with either our lottery number, or with our vulture-like friends circling us like fallen carcasses on the vast savanna picking our room without informing us... I am sure we will get something nice and cozy.

I guess I will end this entry for I am just tired.., even though I had thought I had convinced myself that I would be happy getting a new place, along with the new decorating challenges, etc... the truth is Roshanee and I put a lot of hard work into our apartment, and it's our baby....

Wedding Coordinating

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
10:18:00 PM
Feeling Frustrated

So its been a while since I last updated... sorry. We were on spring break and I had planned to update every day but then reality came and bit me in the ass. Instead, Roshanee, Mom, and I spent the week searching for halls for the wedding. Literally I got up in the morning and started searching and then strolled in the house by 11 PM in the evenings. On a better note, we finally decided on one, but our search is still continuing for maybe a diamond in the rough.

Besides picking halls for the wedding, I attended a family friend's daughter's engagement party (rather not name anyone). It was quite the haphazardness. No cake, no introduction, complete randomness... I wonder how it was categorized under the heading of an engagement party.

Today was my first...oops..I ruined it

Saturday, February 25, 2006
6:33:00 PM
Hearing R. Kelly; "Burn it up"

Hi all,

So today I had my first Period... no just kidding... I had my first practice sex lesson.. no just kidding again.. in actuality I had my first practice MCAT. Yeah.. It was quite the tiring ordeal; 8 hours of slowly diminishing away into the eternal bright light at the end of the tunnel. Well I didn't die to be exact, I just got really tired...

One amusing thing that happened during the test was this girl next to me... she literally got up and just left with 40 minutes to go. She went out and talked on her cell phone (loudly might I add), bought chips to eat (noisely might I also add), basically everything a person could do besides their MCAT examination. And it was not the last section and don't go thinking she was extremely fast and smart.. she did this on every single section. There is no way she could have finished so fast.. the test is designed so that you just finish on time and that too barely. Not 40 minutes early each section. I personally think she guessed and therefore finished early each time.

Its Saturday, thank the lord, and now I get to sleep for "infinity and beyond" (Lightyear, Buzz). Tonight I am going to Houston's in Fanueil Hall with Abs, Jane, Rosh, Rob, and Rob's fiancée Sarah. So toodles dears, be good and don't open the door for strangers.

Riding off into the sunset on a white horse...

Friday, February 24, 2006
7:14:00 PM
Hearing Ann's consistent conversations...

Just a short entry tonight.. since I am way to comatose to write anything of merit. So Rema Chopra sent me this link for a new kind of "facebook wannabe site" Hi-5. So I proceeded to join, I even put a picture up...but its full of wierdo's who just sent me random messages.. I am quite intrigued actually to tell you the truth.

Here is an actual message I got:
"How r u. Veryyyy beautiful and expressive eyes indeed. I feel like swooping you away on a white horse into the sunset....I would do anything to say hi to u."

Just on a side note... this person needs to learn how to write properly... and like I said earlier the whole white horse deal is pretty intriguing..

Another message I got was:
"hi sweety my name is chris i think u look very beautiful i was hoping that we could be friend i could need some of ur sun shine lol i could say i fine some one i could compare to the sun . hoping to hear from u sweety"

This person might have me confused with Roshanee, which means light, I on the other hand mean sweet fragrance. Duh... : ) Well ... just another facet into my life.

Off I go to shop.

To ere is human.. but haven't I mention.. I'm an alien..Boo!

Friday, February 24, 2006
11:37:00 AM
Hearing The droning rhythmic typing surrounding me in the library

So my exam went really well. I am glad that's over. I usually do this "thing" before I take any exam.. I like to call it the Khush attack. It's where I seriously think I am going to fail due to under- studying. hehee like that is possible.. I know.. silly me, studying is for kids.

Onto more pressing matters though, I have received complaints that my depiction of a certain event at the Valentine's party was exaggerated (like I am capable of doing such a naughty, naughty thing).. so I promised I would fix it and that I will do now:

So I wrote in my previous entry that .... ---> (1 got crunk, lost his balance and silently slid down the wall he was leaning on),.. in actuality what happened was and I am quoting him now..."The comedian was talking, and after looking around I saw no chairs were available so I decided to crouch down against the wall (good use of Accenture's resource management skills), Roshanee came by to get something off the table next to me.. and in the process hit my knee causing me to lose balance and "topple" over."

Now I have to apologize for making #1 sound like he was a bit off kilter, because it is apparent that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. : )

Well I am off to read more H/Hr fan fiction before my Parasitology class.. so bye.. and please.. I must re-enforce this.. please check for on-coming brooms, and apparating wizards before crossing the street. (to all my Harry Potter fans out there)

How many decorations before the Bindra house explodes...?

Thursday, February 23, 2006
9:32:00 PM
Feeling Mischievous
Hearing "Deedar De", from the movie "Dus"

So this past weekend was our annual Valentine's Day party..

Hip hip hooray.. (some people actually "hipped" at the party.. no clue what that means but moving on). We had a great turnout, a great decorating crew, and a comedian who liked to pick on NU, Accenture, and UPenn.

I'm just glad the weekend is over.. I did so much work leading up to the event.. and so much work cleaning up after the event. I am just drained.

We literally had new appliances which we bought only because A) they were red, and B) for the Valentine party. I personally think we might have an underlying psychotic disorder which propels us towards the color red.. aka blood.. aka killing people.. uh hmh.. sorry back to my other personality.

We had Jason, Abdullah, "Volcano", Demet, Geetha, and Amrita as new comers this year. Out of the 5, (1 got crunk, lost his balance and silently slid down the wall he was leaning on), (another had a fascination with tearing off his red shirt to display his underlying Accenture t-shirt), (another had to dance with the hopping pongo stick we refer kindly to as (in our Indian circle) Gladiator), (the other decided to use the time wisely and study the biological workings of micro-organisms), (another scared everyone off the dance floor with her superiority), (and the last but not the least in any sort of way..showed us how to do the Harlem shake properly, and how to really play Halo with an 9-yr old)...

Besides the random antics of my buddies, (which included but was not limited to: giggling until their Duracell batteries ran out, silently leaking red nail polish onto the carpet, learning the ancient art of folding dinner napkins, pretending to be of age to drink...cough.., blacking out to never never land, learning the ins and outs of the laminating machine, and lastly....(drum roll please..)..... ugh.. at least play on beat.... and lastly... showing everyone up with her sensational belly-dancing moves) we (the Bindra's enjoyed ourselves immensely.

Well, I had better stop rambling.. for I have a Sociology test 'morrow and I think I should finish reading..


Wednesday, February 15, 2006
1:55:00 AM

To all you lovers out there, enjoy yourselves with your special ones. You know its special when your in their arms and you feel safe and know nothing will go wrong with him/her besides you.

I have some strange obsession with flowers. I love flowers... anyone want to send me lovely flowers ??? anyone... ?? :( that's okay..?!? Am I weird for wanting pretty flowers, a little garden of grass, a large plethora of fish, warm non-humid weather, my family to always be close, little puppies to be running around me when I get home, a warm fireplace to read by at night, a classy car, a horse stable, to be able to walk on the beach, to be a parasitologist when I grow up...

Sad how we want so many things, but after years of struggling will be lucky to get even one of those fairy tale childlike dreams fulfilled...hope your dreams come true,...

Leave me alone.. stupid love songs.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
1:43:00 AM
Hearing So sick, Ne-Yo

So it's about 1:39AM on Valentine's Day... and I'm sitting home alone. No I haven't broken up my engagement, I am meeting the handsome prince tomorrow. Hey someone has to put the food on the table. (Even though I am on a meal plan from my school and my table comes along with the room I get through university housing). :)

I decided to rent a few movies and watch them (by myself) hehe, don't feel bad I prefer it that way. I didn't know Blockbuster was so busy on V-day. The line was practically out the door. I guess the theme this valentine season is dinner and a rented movie.

I am listening to "So sick" by Ne-Yo. And it is the saddest love song I have heard in a while. I love it. lol. Besides Ne-Yo in my life, I have the annual Valentines Day party coming up. We have this party every valentines weekend and you have to wear red, or pink along with any other color. This year we had Daniel Nainan in the lineup (the opener for the comedian Russell Peters). He was under contract and everything, but he e-mailed me this morning with some wimpish excuse of not being able to make it due to some uncontrollable reasons. Remind me why I can't take his balls, and shove them so far up his ass that he gets a blocked artery along the way.

Moving on from the violence, and the pain. :) I need a haircut, I can't see through the wall of hair my bangs create. I am quite surprised that I don't go walking into walls and other obscure objects.

After watching one of the rented movies I got, I decided to browse through Facebook, and I was amused by the increase in the female- female kissing. Blame the beer, but some people should just not be kissing people, forget that some people need to consider plastic surgery. heheh. just kidding.. we need some ugly people to make us pretty ones look good.

I was going over ingenious ideas that would better my life, and I came up with a few. A maid, a hair stylist, and a wish list for holidays. hehe, I was contemplating the last one for real, but then I realized I don't want nor need anything, I get basically everything I want. I also came to the other conclusion that I might be spoiled.

Hmm... you can contemplate that while I lay down for my beauty nap, god knows I need it. I look frightening.

Visiting Barbieville

Tuesday, January 31, 2006
12:25:00 AM

Well these past few weeks have been hectic. I went to California last weekend for a friends wedding. The wedding took place in Santa Barbara. Awesome place, wouldn't mind to live there one day. I can drive in my Benz, with my Dior glasses blocking the sun, and my Shi Tzu chilling in the passenger side with her mini Chanel gown. Sorry back to reality, and a reminder to all that too much sun can also be bad for you. The wedding took place in Santa Barbara Golf Club, and DAMN what a view. One side you had the mountains, and the other was the ocean. So committing suicide is quite an easy task in SB.

I also recently went home this weekend to put up the decorations for our annual Valentines Day Party. I have not seen so many plastic hang-able hearts in my life. Eww. Besides that, I just went to go see Underworld 2, and might I say it was quite the shitty movie. The epitome of shitty-ness. The plot revolved around Werewolves fucking too hard, and vampires sucking to hard. Well they got pissed at each other since they both had to SHARE the word hard in their titles and decided to fuck each other. It was one hard suck. So moving on from that mental avenue.

I also read the book "Memoirs of a Giesha", which was really good. I have yet to see the movie which is a bummer and I hope I don't miss it from theatres, aka when I have the time to go see it, its not in theatres any longer.

Besides that, I am up to nothingness. heheh. take care till next time. BEWARE DARK TIMES LIE AHEAD...

Tick Tock goes my internal sleeping clock

Monday, January 9, 2006
4:07:00 AM

So I have just returned from my adventures abroad. It was a thrill. We went to Dubai, UAE; India, and Maldives. And to account for my absence I only have tokens for my friends, a painful sun tan for moi, baby camels, Christmas in the clouds, New Years in transit, a wedding (not mine), indoor skiing, surfing, and ... me back into your lives.

The only sad event of this trip is the fact that I have yet to return to eastern time which would explain me writing at such an awkward time in the wee morning when cartoons such as Teletubbies, and Barney are airing.

Besides me returning from abroad, other noteworthy events include Spring semester classes starting tomorrow. I'm just orgasmic about that. No really I am, I get to buy new notebooks, new pencils, have brain aneurism during tests, buy books, attempt to fling myself from my room while attempting to decode a chapter in my new book, and yada yada yada.

Well my fish are starting their rendition of the "Little Mermaid" and I can't forgo missing that so I bide you all farewell and good night until morrow.

And how are you this evening, ...Mrs. Darcy?

Thursday, December 15, 2005
12:00:00 PM
Feeling Mischievous
Hearing Pride and Prejudice Soundtrack

Hello, so it has been a most exhausting week. I went to see Pride and Prejudice for the 3rd time last night. Yes, I know, I'm odd but please do get over it for I do not have the time.

Well I thought I would give you all a through character analysis of just the two main characters, my favorites, Elizabeth Bennet and FitzWilliam Darcy. Kiera Knightly plays Miss Elizabeth Bennet, the second eldest daughter of five Bennet's. She does not have any particular talents or ambitions that would differentiate her from her siblings. She is simply not interested in losing her head over whether or not she gets married. Miss Elizabeth would rather be alone than be with someone for convenience sake. Of course, there is still some fear in her that she will never find another to love but she braves on. After all, she does have her pride.

Matthew MacFadyen plays Mr. Darcy, good friend to Mr. Bingley (Simon Woods) who is interested in marrying Miss Elizabeth's older sister, Miss Jane Bennet (Rosamund Pike). He broods and skulks but we are still intrigued as he has such beautiful eyes. These are eyes that suggest something more sensitive beneath this brutish façade. Mr. Darcy is well intentioned but has yet to master the art of human interaction as is quite clearly shown as he flexes his hand and fingers awkwardly after touching Miss Elizabeth's hand. For her, it is a simple touch; for him however, a vulnerable revelation that he has likely never been loved nor allowed himself to love. Remaining safe in his tower above the commoners has shaped for him many a prejudice.

My two favorite scenes were when he emerged out of the mist (for quite obvious reasons...I think it's the sexiest thing I've witnessed on celluloid) and when he and his sister are speaking to Lizzy and her family at Pemberly. We get a glimpse of his softer side when his sister runs up and jumps into his arms, and he swings her around. But my heart skipped a beat when we see him smile. After the dozens of minutes of him barely opening his mouth, he smiles, and there is a warmth there not seen before, and gentleness. It is that that makes him irresistible.

Pride and Prejudice meet on the dance floor when Mr. Darcy unexpectedly asks Miss Elizabeth to dance. When the dance first begins, the conversation between the two is cold, guarded and expressed in the third person. It is aggressive, confrontational. They are both angry that the other's existence remains with them when they are apart. As it continues though, they cannot deny their chemistry as the dance flows naturally until the end nears and there is no one left in the ballroom but these two. Fight all you like but you cannot will love away and that is a lesson that you must let go of both your prejudices and your pride before you can learn it.

And who is that gentleman with the quizzical brow?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
1:56:00 AM

So this past week has been very fun. Classes officially ended on Wednesday and I must say I was thrilled to finally have a week off. On Thursday I cant remember for the life of me what I did. It's pitiful but hey I'm growing old (21 yrs old).

On Friday I went to Chef Chang's House on Beacon Street for some Chinese food. I love Chinese food, actually that is a lie for I do not love all Chinese food, just what I get every time I go to a Chinese restaurant; Lo-mein (noodles), Fried rice, and wonton soup. I sometimes like to go crazy and mix it up by ordering Hot and Sour soup instead. After dinner, Rosh, Jane, and I went to Boston Commons to see "The Chronicles of Narina..." It was a great movie in my opinion. Worth watching and don't mind my saying so had a few disturbing aspects. For ex. Peter and Susan were trotting a bit on the incest path if you ask me, Lucy when smiling looked like Emily Rose from the Exorcist, and Mr. Thommnus had some sexual desires for Lucy if you ask me. So beyond the freak factor, it was a really good movie, with a hot lion.

As for Saturday, we went party hopping. It took quite a toll on my sanity might I add. Before our adventures began though we accompanied Jane to get a new tattoo of a Celtic heart on her neck. (The whole process in my opinion looked damn painful) After that, Abizer and I went shopping on Newbury Street where we bought a pair of boots for him, a pair for Rosh, sneakers for me, and earrings for me.

Then we came home to get ready for our parties. Our first stop was Eileen's party. We took about 4 million "you touch mine while I grab yours" pictures, which eventually led to some interesting dancing by Ann, and then some riding of Jane by Heejin. After the mistletoe was reported stolen, we decided to trudge off to our next destination. We arrived at Navina apt. to find that her party theme for the month was "I prefer to get arrested just so that I can suck in jail". We spent the evening waiting diligently for the men to start making out so that we girls would have something to giggle about. And also we found a vase of condoms and decided to open all the packets and blow up the condoms and make amusing animal figurines out of them. I almost managed the exact replica ofTimon and Pumba when I was woken from my clandestine dream to go to a Bar downtown for a chocolate chip's birthday celebrations.

On Sunday I watched the Patriots game and the Giants game which was too boring mind you. I love the "big" men in those "tight" pants don't get me mistaken but I got bored of them slapping their own asses. I went shopping at Copley and bought Roshanee new rainboots from Coach, Abizer cufflinks from Louis Vuitton and Farsi (level 1) from Rosetta Stone. After draining my accounts in Copley I decided to go to the Prudential and shop at Barnes and Noble. I bought "Truth about Diamonds" by Nicole Richie, "The Witness" and "Exclusive" by Sandra Brown, "Narnia" by C.S. Lewis, "Funny in Farsi" by F. Duman, and some books on stocks. After that I decided to go watch the movie "Pride and Prejudice". It is now one of my favorite movies of the year. I just love Mr. Darcy and Ms. Elizabeth Bennet.

Elizabeth Bennet: It would be most inconvenient since I swore to loathe him for all eternity.

Mr. Darcy: May I have the next dance, Miss Elizabeth?
Elizabeth Bennet: You may.

Mr. Darcy: You must know - surely you must know that it was all for you... I would have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul and I love and love and love you. And never wish to be parted from you from this day forward.

And with that I am off to bed to sleep for I have a Physics final on the 16th of December and then am off to Dubai, Maldives, and India on the 17th-9th January.

Weekend of Mourning...

Monday, December 5, 2005
9:22:00 PM

So I went home this past weekend for my grandmother's and grandfather's death anniversaries. ( g-ma; father's side and g-pa; mother's side) They just happened to have passed so close together about 5 years ago.

I also went to Dr. B's house on Friday night (which was slightly on the boring side due to the fact nothing was available to us to do), and on Saturday morning we had the prayer in the morning and then in the evening Abizer, Nishan (my brother), my mom, and I watched Harry Potter I and II. ( Since I had already seen all the movies at least 6 times each I took the opportunity to catch up on much needed sleep). Then on Sunday was Reema's 10th birthday party at Aangan (I got some cool presents) and also Kalpana and Naresh's anniversary in Mogul.

Other than that, the weekend was uneventful, but enjoyable and relaxing none the less. Bye bye for now

Dumb Belles

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
11:56:00 PM

So today was just dandy.. I mean skipping through the wheat grains singing along with the Sound of Music.

I might as well tell you what was so amusing to me. I went to the gym. Yes its out of the closet, I ventured into the towering structure lovingly called, Marino. I actually lifted weights (5 lb, and then 12.5 lb [audible gasp is heard in the audience]). I somehow was doing a bicep curl and managed to pull the muscle in my neck... I am still working on that connection.

I also played volleyball with the girls (Amrita, Sejal, Rosh, Jane, and Demet). I believe my team lost both the games we played, but we tried by aiming the ball towards hard to reach places, only problem being they were also out of bounds. Well, since I also think I pulled some muscle in my hand I am going to stop typing for tonight. Have fun..

We are the Gators, mighty mighty gators...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
11:55:00 PM
Feeling Happy

Hello to all, its been a while but life has been pretty hectic. I just recently came back from Florida which to my dismay was frigid. I was kind of dumb struck, isn't Florida the epitome of warmth? Besides the freak like weather the trip was good. Visited Universal Studios, Island of Adventure, Sea World (which on a side note is owned by the same company that makes Budweiser...ever think what would happen to Shamu if he was given Beer), and Animal Kingdom. I also bought a hooded sweatshirt that says Thing 1 and a matching one for Rosh that says Thing 2. [awkward giggle]

The weekend of surprise parties, Ritz wanna be's, and blue-films

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
5:08:00 AM
Feeling Quiet

Right now its about 5 AM and I am working on my BioChemistry lab, which I have technically been working on since 1AM. I do live a very pathethic existence I know. I also have class at 8AM so I am assuming that sleep is out of the question since I plan to go the library around 7AM to print out my lab.

So this past weekend was fun. I went home on Friday to my beautiful hometown of TR, and for those who don't know where that is... I would prefer to keep it that way. (evil cackle echoing in the background) Moving on, so I went to some girl's engagement party in Akbar (not exactely the Ritz). I was just glad that a family of mice didn't decide to do the marcarena for our viewing pleasure on the dance floor along with the bride and groom.

Then on Saturday we threw a party for my cousin, Dippy who just recently got married. That was an amusing crowd. I also cleaned a 3 story house including every nook and cranny that day (I wonder sometimes if their was an underlying motive to my being born).

Then Sunday rolled by, and that was the day for Bashira Aunty's surprise 50th birthday party. We all met up in Nanking, (an awesome Indian Chinese restaurant) and had dinner together. Good food. Great company.

Today I basically lounged around watching a hindi movie with my mom and sister, A nation without women, which should have been labeled a blue film instead. (Blue films: semi-porn movies, mostly voices and facial/upper torso shots). Then got on a bus from NY Port Authority to Boston. And the rest is history... since I have already stated that I was working on my Bio-Chem Lab.

Debut of my Halloween costume

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
5:02:00 AM
Feeling Mischievous

Hello to my loyal blog reading fans...okay I'm done with the whole princess wanna be phase.
I haven't posted since Thursday I think, but then again I didn't have much time to post much on Thursday since I was helping Si (lovingly referred to as Chennie-Po) with her Presidential Schloarship essay till about 3ish in the wee morning. I also decided to unviel my Halloween costume (an orange jumpsuit with the words, Dept. of Corrections written on the back) to the school that evening. I basically walked about school with my orange jumpsuit freaking people out.

Who are you?

Wednesday, October 5, 2005
1:13:00 PM
Hearing CSI Las Vegas theme song

I figured I would add some pictures. The first one is from my engagement party and all of my NU friends who attended, looking all prim and proper before they went crazy and decided to go swimming in Mike's house. And the second one is me. Figured in case you wanted to know who I was.

And then God said, "...No food for you!"

Tuesday, October 4, 2005
9:25 PM

Hello everyone, well today has been interesting. I am keeping a fast since I promised the cute wrinkly fellow we all commonly call God that if it didn't rain on my engagement party weekend I would keep a fast for Ramadan.

I never knew keeping a fast was soo boring.. it really makes you analyze life, and helps you to realize how much time you really spend eating or doing activites that revolve around eating.
Overall, my day went fine. I went over to Cambridge Side Galleria and then went to the Economy Hardware Store (Boston's equivalent of Home Depot) and found hooks for my mirror. Besides that it has been a pretty lousy day with an 8 AM Lab and then an 11:45 Lab, which translates to 8-11:30 and then 11:45-2:50. Boo!

Okay back to school work. G'night

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Weekend of Boat Cruises, Turkish Delights, and Grad Students

Monday, October 3, 2005
6:51:00 PM

So my first entry, I am thrilled. Kinda makes me worried as to who this is open to really. Not that I need any stalkers in my life, but I do love attention (from the proper sources that is).
So the weekend was loads of fun. On Thursday, I went to the Graduate Students Association Party at AfterHours. I have never laughed so hard my entire life. So many FOBs trying to dance can weaken anyone's stomach lining to give him or her an ulcer. Overall, it was defiantly something I will go to again just to relax and get a good laugh.

Then Friday rolled around. We had dinner at Demet's. (her mom is over from Turkey)(I attached a picture of her and her mom). She cooked enough food to feed the Continental Army and opposition. We then played our favorite game in the whole wide world. CATCH PHRASE. We also went to Club EMBASSY for Rishi's rajastani event. It was an interesting experience. Saw two men giving each other hand jobs. Sorry I do not have any pictures to show you.
Saturday we went shopping for the SPICE Boat Cruise. Hmm that was seriously an evening I would not have recommended missing. Our very own Hobbit and friend, decided to have some contest as to who could project more vomit into the toilet. Hehe... We also encountered birthday boy joining in on the contest which was moved from the bathroom onto our table, a certain someone walking into a fridge, a certain Hobbit falling down the stairs/up the stairs/off a chair/ and in the hallway to name a few locales.

Sunday I watched the movie Flight plan, which was amusing, a slightly mundane ending since you knew what was going to happen. But an overall, good time pass. Then I proceeded to go to Barnes and Noble to read, and decided to forget my cell phone in the establishment. (Don't worry I found it).

Well that was my weekend. Until next time, goodnight universe.