Friday, July 21, 2006

Weekly Planner mode

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
12:27:00 PM

It's been a while… my apologies, life has been hectic for the past couple of weeks. My mom came up and stayed with Roshanee and I for a week, and then my dad came up on Thursday as well. Roshanee was sick so my mom came to cook some good food for her, to give her medication on time, since college kids are too busy… which sadly is true...

It was a fun filled week. She pulled up with her entire trunk filled with pots and pans, vegetables, fruits, and god knows what else. My brother tagged along and bought with him, his entire Disney movie collection, and his entire x-box video game collection. I can safely assess that I ate extremely well, (so did some of my friends), and I kicked some James Bond ass during that week.

Wednesday night, a group of about 16 of us, went to CPK (California Pizza Kitchen) for Demet's pre-birthday bash. It was a very amusing night. Jane was blushing the entire night for reasons I cannot mention on the web, my brother went Jack the Riper on his napkin, then his placemat, then my mother's shoe, and the rest of us were very confused by the mere mention of triangles.
Thursday night, was the BCC dinner in Afterhours. Which went pretty well, and the decorations looked very demure, and the food looked scrumptious. After we gave everyone their gifts for finally leaving our university and us in peace, Demet's party started. We all danced the night away, and eventually ended the night by going to Our House to buy the now legal birthday girl a drink. All was silent after that...

Friday night, would not be complete without an Iranian meal, so we trudged to Beacon Hill for dinner at Lala Rokh. (damn good my friends, damn good). Then the family decided to go see the movie Take the lead, starring Antonio Bandaras and Yaya from America's Next Top Model. The movie was mediocre, with some interesting grinding positions which I am sure will revive the hip hop underground, but nothing ground shattering.

Saturday, was the lovely MCAT practice test #4 from 8AM - 4PM at MIT. It was painstakingly long but nonetheless was endured. After that Rosh and I, just chilled at home with mom and dad playing monopoly and poker. A very relaxing day in my opinion.

Sunday, was Bon Voyage for mom, dad, and Nishan. They were headed home back to the dog who probably thinks she's unwanted, and to pick up my G-ma (grandma) who is expected to arrive Monday from Iran.

Well that pretty much wraps it up, so take care and study for your FINALS....(just kidding..)


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