Saturday, October 31, 2009

Airplanes are so "ray-tard-day"

I don't know whether packing at 4am the day of my flight, was the level of efficency I was striving for when I intially figured out my schedule, but I'm pretty certain that I haven't forgotten anything... Yet to find out though. But I somehow managed to pack 6 pairs of shoes and I'm certain my Indian clothes alone weigh 35 lbs. Eek!

Work was pretty much jammed packed with last minute things that had to get submitted to TFA and to my principal before I flew, making sure that proper sub work was prepared, kid-proofing my room for my mini-vacay, and making sure all the pets were in proper hands. Not to mention teaching as well... (on a side note... I love teaching biology)

Even Snapple, Bubbles, Kermit, and Rene (respectively my turtle, goldfish, and 2 frogs) are happily basking in an environment of serenity without my rambunctious students...

Bombay/Mumbai, India:
The flight was great...which only seems to be the natural response when my airplane chair reclined into a bed and the food served was a 5-course meal with an ice cream sundae for dessert. I love airplane rides, since its a great time to catch up on my movies. I saw three Indian movies, and being the hopeless romantic that I am.. I cried through each one. The poor air hostess was concerned by the third movie tear fest about my mental stability. Did you know that the number of beers boarded annually onto Continental airplanes are 1,475,520.

How is it people don't know that they have assigned seating on an airplane? Maybe its just Indians? At Newark, there was a mob to get on the plane.. so much for the color coded Zoning on your boarding pass to create calm and orderly boarding. Then on the plane, an Indian family just dropped their stuff in first class and made themselves at home... when in  actuality their seats were in row 35....Maybe it was their first time on an airplane? None the less amusing human behaviors.

I haven't been to India in over 2 years, yet the changes they have made is noticable. With new bridges spanning acoss the ocean linking different corners of the city, to the extensive makeover of Bombay International airport the approach of a new dawn is evident on India's horizon. Yet, you still find oddities that will marvel you in every corner. For instance the 4-door sedan with a rope tied to another mid-sized car on the highway. Apparently this method of towing is normal. Or the fact that food vendors are busiest around 12-4am, while living in the US you are considered lucky if you find a grocery store opened 24hrs.

This picture was hilarious. On the very top of the picture it says lose 10kg and 20 inches in 22 hours... sounds amazing no?

Its literally 95 degrees Farenheit here. HOT and HUMID... this is not a good combination for a girl who wears makeup. Luckily I packed for summer. Be ready for a tanned freak when I return. Sigh.

Okie dokie I have to go now.. I have to take a shower, so that means I have to turn on the water heater. Maybe I'll take a cold shower. It might be nicer anywho.

PS - why don't they like using toilet paper here... thankfully Alifiya packed some... Sigh of relief..


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