Friday, July 21, 2006

To ere is human.. but haven't I mention.. I'm an alien..Boo!

Friday, February 24, 2006
11:37:00 AM
Hearing The droning rhythmic typing surrounding me in the library

So my exam went really well. I am glad that's over. I usually do this "thing" before I take any exam.. I like to call it the Khush attack. It's where I seriously think I am going to fail due to under- studying. hehee like that is possible.. I know.. silly me, studying is for kids.

Onto more pressing matters though, I have received complaints that my depiction of a certain event at the Valentine's party was exaggerated (like I am capable of doing such a naughty, naughty thing).. so I promised I would fix it and that I will do now:

So I wrote in my previous entry that .... ---> (1 got crunk, lost his balance and silently slid down the wall he was leaning on),.. in actuality what happened was and I am quoting him now..."The comedian was talking, and after looking around I saw no chairs were available so I decided to crouch down against the wall (good use of Accenture's resource management skills), Roshanee came by to get something off the table next to me.. and in the process hit my knee causing me to lose balance and "topple" over."

Now I have to apologize for making #1 sound like he was a bit off kilter, because it is apparent that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. : )

Well I am off to read more H/Hr fan fiction before my Parasitology class.. so bye.. and please.. I must re-enforce this.. please check for on-coming brooms, and apparating wizards before crossing the street. (to all my Harry Potter fans out there)


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