Friday, July 21, 2006

Congo lines, moving out, and girls named Princess

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
12:44:00 PM

So as usual in this university, our on-line portal isn't working... so I figured I would update my baby. Therefore sit back and enjoy the show...

Wow, its been so long since I wrote. Boo to me I guess. Let me think of all that has happened of significance over the past few weeks.

So I was rambling about the upcoming UTSAV show last time we spoke and it went pretty well. All of the acts were marvelous except Rosh and I (we were magnificent)...(evil laughter). The afterparty was amusing which is a word I think encompasses the night pretty well. The party was held in a lounge/club called News, where more tables resided than dancing room, but that didn't stop the already drunk Indians from grinding in a Congo line that snaked around the entire club. I saw a "fallen hero" dancing with an umpa loompa, death for my new purse, Rishi almost propelled out of a window, Amrita being molested by Cirque Du Soleil, a dance floor exceeding its capacity of 10 people to 50, the organization's past president asking me constantly if I knew a girl named Princess, and lastly I saw gum being swiped. It was an amusing night as I said before.

After that weekend, life was pretty much downhill though. I have been packing up the apartment since I am moving out on the 28th of April, and I have been studying for my finals. So nothing spectacular there...

Besides the above, all the student groups have been having their annual elections, so I decided to run for a few positions and defend the positions in which I am already an e-board member.

So as of today, I am: Co-President of UTSAV (our south Asian club on club) with Roshanee, VP of Finance for Biology Club, and VP of Social Services and Design for BioChemistry Club.

I would really like to join NUNews, if I can, and do a column, it would make me happy as a human being. Also Ann and I are planning on recording a show for NURadio...we are thinking of making it about SEXcapades.


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