Friday, July 21, 2006

The weekend of surprise parties, Ritz wanna be's, and blue-films

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
5:08:00 AM
Feeling Quiet

Right now its about 5 AM and I am working on my BioChemistry lab, which I have technically been working on since 1AM. I do live a very pathethic existence I know. I also have class at 8AM so I am assuming that sleep is out of the question since I plan to go the library around 7AM to print out my lab.

So this past weekend was fun. I went home on Friday to my beautiful hometown of TR, and for those who don't know where that is... I would prefer to keep it that way. (evil cackle echoing in the background) Moving on, so I went to some girl's engagement party in Akbar (not exactely the Ritz). I was just glad that a family of mice didn't decide to do the marcarena for our viewing pleasure on the dance floor along with the bride and groom.

Then on Saturday we threw a party for my cousin, Dippy who just recently got married. That was an amusing crowd. I also cleaned a 3 story house including every nook and cranny that day (I wonder sometimes if their was an underlying motive to my being born).

Then Sunday rolled by, and that was the day for Bashira Aunty's surprise 50th birthday party. We all met up in Nanking, (an awesome Indian Chinese restaurant) and had dinner together. Good food. Great company.

Today I basically lounged around watching a hindi movie with my mom and sister, A nation without women, which should have been labeled a blue film instead. (Blue films: semi-porn movies, mostly voices and facial/upper torso shots). Then got on a bus from NY Port Authority to Boston. And the rest is history... since I have already stated that I was working on my Bio-Chem Lab.


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