Wednesday, July 26, 2006

pink objects, overgrown bushes, white tales...

Thursday, June 1, 2006
10:12:14 PM

Hey kiddo's, what's up. So recently Abs got me a new phone. Its a pink Slvr. It's soooooooo cute. I really wanted a new phone since I was getting tired of my old phone. Well when I see you you all I will show you and update my pictures file.

So I spent the day, trimming the bushes .. and no not mine (only reason I mention that is because I told Abs on the phone I was trimming my bush and I would call him later and he went interesting)...I think a few of them are crooked but none the less okay. For you Sex and the City fans I will try to make one into a lightening bolt. giggle

So I found a book on the history of weddings and I found a few interesting facts. So here they are without further ado.

Did you know ?
It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply the son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer, and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the "honey month" or what we know today as the "honeymoon."

It's okay to wear white.
Twenty-nine percent of women are virgins when they marry.

Did you know?
On average, on their wedding day, woman will speak 7000 words over the course of the day while a man will speak only 2000 words in the same period of time.

The tradition of having members of the wedding party dress alike was started in hope that evil spirits would become confused and have a more difficult time distinguishing which one is the bride, and thus be prevented from putting a hex on her.
Let's hope the photographer was not equally confused.

Snow tends to mess up a wedding gown.
June is the most popular month for weddings, followed by August, September, October, and May.

Did you know?
When the officiate says "You may kiss the bride" this is meant to be more than just a token of affection. It has long been a custom and tradition that the kiss is a token of bonding as well as the exchange of spirits as each partner sends a part of themselves into the new spouse's soul, there to live ever after.

Did you know?
Traditionally, the bride had to enter her new home the first time through the front door. If she tripped or stumbled while entering, it was was considered to be very bad luck. Hence the tradition of the groom carrying the bride over the threshold.

And you thought European soccer fans were unruly...
The garter and the bouquet toss
In parts of Europe during the 14th century, having a piece of the bride's clothing was thought to bring good luck. Guests would literally destroy the brides dress by ripping off pieces of fabric. In order to prevent this, brides began throwing various items to the guests, the garter belt being one of them. Sometimes the men would get drunk, become impatient, and try to remove the garter ahead of time. Therefore, the custom evolved for the groom to remove and toss the garter. With that change, the bride started to toss the bridal bouquet to the unwed girls of marriageable age.

Did you know?
The term "tie the knot" goes back to Roman times. The bride would wear a girdle that was tied in many knots, which the groom had the "duty" of untying. Shortly thereafter, the scissors was invented. Coincidence?

Did you know?
In Greece, it is a wedding tradition to write the names of all single female friends and relatives of the bride on the sole of her shoe. After the wedding, the shoe is examined, and those whose names have worn off are said to be the next in line for marriage.

Did you know?
Until relatively recently, brides were considered the property of their father. Their futures and husbands were arranged without their consent. The marriage of an unattractive women was often arranged with a prospective groom from another town without either ever meeting. In more than one instance, when the prospective groom say his future wife dressed in white, for the first time on the day of the wedding he changed his mind and left the bride at the alter. So to prevent this from happening it become bad luck for the groom to see his bride on the day of the wedding prior to the ceremony. Now you know where they got the idea for the veil.

Do I still have to invite my future mother-in-law?
The average number of guests invited to a wedding is 175.


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