Thursday, July 20, 2006

Weekend of Boat Cruises, Turkish Delights, and Grad Students

Monday, October 3, 2005
6:51:00 PM

So my first entry, I am thrilled. Kinda makes me worried as to who this is open to really. Not that I need any stalkers in my life, but I do love attention (from the proper sources that is).
So the weekend was loads of fun. On Thursday, I went to the Graduate Students Association Party at AfterHours. I have never laughed so hard my entire life. So many FOBs trying to dance can weaken anyone's stomach lining to give him or her an ulcer. Overall, it was defiantly something I will go to again just to relax and get a good laugh.

Then Friday rolled around. We had dinner at Demet's. (her mom is over from Turkey)(I attached a picture of her and her mom). She cooked enough food to feed the Continental Army and opposition. We then played our favorite game in the whole wide world. CATCH PHRASE. We also went to Club EMBASSY for Rishi's rajastani event. It was an interesting experience. Saw two men giving each other hand jobs. Sorry I do not have any pictures to show you.
Saturday we went shopping for the SPICE Boat Cruise. Hmm that was seriously an evening I would not have recommended missing. Our very own Hobbit and friend, decided to have some contest as to who could project more vomit into the toilet. Hehe... We also encountered birthday boy joining in on the contest which was moved from the bathroom onto our table, a certain someone walking into a fridge, a certain Hobbit falling down the stairs/up the stairs/off a chair/ and in the hallway to name a few locales.

Sunday I watched the movie Flight plan, which was amusing, a slightly mundane ending since you knew what was going to happen. But an overall, good time pass. Then I proceeded to go to Barnes and Noble to read, and decided to forget my cell phone in the establishment. (Don't worry I found it).

Well that was my weekend. Until next time, goodnight universe.


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