Friday, July 21, 2006

those little ice cream cups...

Monday, May 22, 2006
1:51:00 AM

So its been a few days...sorry. Life is just passing me by and I am running to catch up.

I have many things to tell you. First and foremost...I hate being on a diet. ugh. I was craving those little ice cream cups made with 1/2 chocolate and 1/2 vanilla. Well, Abizer and I went and bought a full packet of about 12. We get home and every single one was smashed and leaking. grrr was I pissed. I wanted just one bite so badly, but I ended up having none since I threw the whole bag in the garbage.

Besides my never ending battle with ice cream and gods given curves...I realized that the movies I rented a few days before school ended were left in the VCR which I put into storage until September. oops. So I guess I owe them a late fine, and the charge of the DVD. giggle.

Today I spent most of the day making another one of Nishan's infamous school projects, which I ended up makingby myself in the end. So now it looks like a 21 yr old made it and not a 9 yr old. another grr.

Besides the already stated, life has been the same old. I started watching Dr. 90210 since I got home from school and damn is Dr. Rey hot. He is gorgeous and well dressed and wow. He can give me a free consultation anytime.

Well I am off to read some new HP fanfiction so bye for now...muah.


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