Friday, July 21, 2006


Friday, April 28, 2006
12:26:00 AM

Well I just got back from the library, where I was studying for my last final of this semester...Physics II. Its going to be a killer final, I can feel it in my bones.. hopefully I can keep the A I have going into the exam. Ugh.. I am going to die with a calculator in my hands computing my GPA. "giggle"

Roshanee, Demet, Jane, Shivani, and Sejal are going to Caprice tonight. Rosh surprised Demet with "V" standing outside our apartment, (she was happy), and then Jane surprised her by coming when she told her on the phone, "I can't make it..." Overall a very frightening experience for the weak hearted. "boo"

I am going to study for a bit then I am off to bed, and then when I get bored I will go resume taking pictures of my fish. "click"-eirdo (for all you Russell Peter fans)


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