Friday, July 21, 2006

Et tu Brutus....?!?

Saturday, April 1, 2006
2:02:00 AM

Today was soooooo much fun. Abizer's co-worker Jason "Burger" invited us to his house in Allston for a barbecue. Yes I know, a barbecue in March... but it was chill. Jason lives with two other guys, Phil (whose Chinese) and Ryan (who is Irish). Phil has a hot tub in his room... hmm amusing, they have a patio, and they have a projector tv in the basement (I didn't even know Boston apartments came with a basement). So we chilled in their house for a bit, Abs and Jane played beer pong, I attempted to grill my own hot dog, which I ended up burning.. ugh, Prince Jason tried to win the heart of his Yava queen, and Ryan tried to hit on Yava's little roommate (Sara).

After a while we left to come home to party it up with Sejal at Connor Larkins for her 21st birthday but Rosh was sick with a fever (101 F) and as you all know, no use going without Rosh, so Jane, Abs, and I went to Big City on Harvard Street to re-join Phil, Jason, Ryan, Jay, Sam, and her b/f. Well let me just say it would have made quite the "Real World" episode.

So I think Jane has a thing for Phil, but I am not sure that the feeling is mutual.. so I spent the evening observing everyone's actions. We played foose ball and saw this creepy man, who was at least 40 years old, wearing pin-stripe pants, and wore one of those varsity jackets looking things that read National Foose ball champion, MA. He kept going up to groups of three, and asked them if they needed a fourth, when they agreed he would destroy them. Quite funny really.
Besides foose ball, we also played some pool. I think I lost all three games.. but there was too much commotion to really keep track of the score or my teammates for that matter.

Then the "I'll regret that in the morning" picture shoot started. Apparently Ryan told Jane to kiss him on the cheek and he would take a photo of the deed, but then when she kissed him on the cheek and the flash went off, he turned his head so it looked like she was kissing him on the lips, which is where she ended up kissing after all of the head bobbing. No comment on the ingenious method of getting a kiss from a girl unexpectedly. Then the pictureof Jane cupping Phil's balls and breasts. Another no comment.

I kind feel bad for Phil, I seem to believe that Jane kind of was particular towards him, but then Ryan pulled the Kodak kiss, and then Phil might have backed off since he is roommates with Ryan. How did Ryan weasel his way into the equation. Not sure as of yet, but hmm, will Phil still try...stay tuned for the next episode in, "The Real World: Boston."

I shall just wait to see what will happen now.


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