Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bombay...yup yup

“Night” 1 in Bombay:
So I landed in Bombay. Bombay being where Abizer is from, since I am a Delhite. Abizer’s cousins came to pick us up from the airport. (Rishi, Roshanee, Abizer, and I) His nephew, Hasnain, drove us home. He is a speed demon, but he is also quite the driver. I was impressed and therefore enlisted him to teach me how to drive stick shift. Let’s see how that goes.

We came home that night, ate dinner, and then Roshanee and Hasnain (the male version of Roshanee) decided to go to Mocha (a hookah place, where the waiter’s wear Aladdin hats) and smoked hookah.

I made the terrible mistake of smiling at a small homeless girl on my way out of the hookah place and she then followed me all the way to the car begging for money, all the while grabbing my hands and shirt. As everyone got in the car, I stepped to get in, and the small girl blocked my path. As much as Roshanee (the next she-woman in my opinion) pushed her, the small girl wouldn’t budge. And Roshanee can push hard. So then Rishi leaned over to give her a shove, but he also failed in that attempt. Finally Hasnain got out of the car, and she ran away. I was quite traumatized after that experience but we carried on the night by meeting up with some of Hasnain’s friends at a bar in a hotel for some after dinner drinks.

Day 1 in Bombay:
We decided to meet with Abizer’s grandparents for lunch. They are the sweetest things, but they live on the 4th floor in a building with no elevator. So by the time we all climbed the stairs to their apartment, I felt like my lungs were on fire, even though Abizer literally carried me most of the way. While there, I looked out the window and saw the oddest thing, a pigeon with one normal leg and one enlarged elephant sized leg. It was one of the funniest sites I have seen in a while, funny and creepy at the same time.

The rest of the day was spent shopping for bangles, and jewelry. As time passed on for us, it grew near to the time Abizer’s parents were landing in Bombay. So we drove to the airport, and picked them up. Now the whole parewar is together.

Day 2 in Bombay:
Getting up is rendering to be impossible these days with the heat bearing down on us all day in steamy, hot Bombay. Eventually at 1PM in the afternoon… all the so called youth of the house tumbled out of bed wrinkled and sweaty to plan the day’s events. We decided to go to Juhu, to hit up the Satya Paul store there. Satya Paul is a designer who is known for his color infused sari creations. On the way we played the now international game of Mercedes Slap…which has now been shortened to Merc. As we wandered into the store with red hand prints on our arms and legs…we shopped around in the store which might have inspired Skittles.

We just trudged in the door not to long ago...all suffering from a minor case of neck pain from the fender-bender we were just in. We stopped at a light and the car behind us came and smashed into us, the fellow claimed he pressed the accelerator instead of the brake, and my neck happens to agree with him on that notion.

I am now relaxing until our “family” dinner at 8PM at a Chinese restaurant called Silk Root. Well I not really relaxing for that… more for the night Roshanee has planned after dinner. I need to meditate. The nightclub is called Poison… ohh don’t tempt me vile gods…

Friday, December 29, 2006

Please rape me with the Orange popsicle stick..?

So my few faithful readers... this is for you. Another update from the motherland.

Abizer has exited the hospital. I think the giant teddy bear, multiple red heart shaped balloons, and the Incredible’s DVD that I bought him might have helped somewhere along the way with his recovery process. But be rest assured, my jaanu is fine.

Along our journeys we found a fellow comrade from Boston...can you guess who? Let me give you a couple of hints then. Has black hair, which when cut short causes havoc. Whose wallet was chucked out of an open moving car window...still can't guess. Okay okay.. here is the last hint. His last name ends in "wala". Okay if you seriously can't guess now then I really can't help you.

It's Rishi. We found the poor thing, unfed, unclothed, and begging at one of the intersections in New Delhi one day...hmm.. okay the reunion didn't really go like that. But what the hell right? We picked him up and continued sightseeing around Delhi. We got molested at India Gate, by the numerous ice cream vendors, and then got chased off the property at the Parliament Building, by the police for taking too many pictures, and I won't even mention how Abs, and Roshanee almost urinated on the sacred land of Bagla Sahib Gurdwara, while searching for the loo. It was a action packed day.

I am flying to Bombay tomorrow. And I am going to be there for the New Year. Can't wait to see everyone over there.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Mine is better than your's...

Apparently I have started a new trend. Yes, I know I am looked to for fashion, etiquette, poise... okay I shall stop with my nonsensical blabber (for now at least)...and continue with the real reason I am writing this entry. So my dear hubby to be has finally succumbed to the powers above (cough..cough..Me) and started a... Blog. I know, its quite a shock, but hey... my persuasion techniques are quite legendary.. (Right Jane?). I put the link under the websites I recommend... so enjoy his version of events compared to mine...

That's all for now...Ciao

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Ek tootaa hua dil to ek kaanch ke shishe ki tarah hai...

Tootaa dil to ek kaanch ke shishe ki tarah hai,
Agar chahein bhi hum uss ko jodna to jodd nahi pate hain...

Before you ask I shall tell you… India is a lot of fun. Well, for me at least, Abizer on the other hand, has been hospitalized due to food poisoning. The poor thing might be hateful at the moment, but besides that minor glitch, I think everyone is enjoying immensely.

Merry Christmas by the way… Hope everyone has a wonderful day, for I know we all deserve one day in which nothing goes wrong and we get whatever we might have wanted or needed.

I am in one of my “moods” again... where I start rambling on and on about “crawling into my shell and away from everyone.” So I shall try to censor those thoughts out of my writing since it upsets people. Even though writing calms me down those with whom I talk to are not available at the moment so I must make do with just talking to myself...

Found an interesting quote today… and it goes well with the depressing atmosphere I have painted. So it goes…
The person who loves you the most will trouble you and irritate you the maximum, but when you drop a tear he will fight the world to stop your tears.
I think I have to agree with this individual…

Since I am in the country of astrology… I decided to take advantage of this. So I got the meaning of the letter K in my name and what it defines me to be. I don't know how much of it is really true though.

You are secretive, self-contained, and shy. You are very sexy, sensual, and passionate, but you do not let on to this. Only in intimate privacy will this part of your nature reveal itself. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role or any game, and take your love life very seriously. You don't fool around. You have the patience to wait for the right person to come along. You are very generous & giving, often selfless. You are kind-natured & sweet, which is found to be attractive by many. You are a good friend.

I must say that was quite a compliment.

Since I had no one to talk to...I wrote in my journal...shayad tomorrow I can speak what's really in my dil...since I had to censor my work today. Ciao.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hot Chocolate anyone...?

I have landed in New Delhi, India.

Once I figured out that India compared to the US isn’t that different internet-wise I decided to update my blog so that I wouldn’t forget what all I have done here.

So I flew on Sunday, the 17th and well that’s a story by itself. Turns out we forgot my cancelled passport at home, which had my visa for India in it. We aren’t exactly next door neighbors with Newark Airport, so my dad drove like a maniac and luckily he made it back in time so his impatient, anxious twins could check-in.

Besides me catching up on a full semester’s worth of sleep on the flight, the flight was without incident. We landed in Delhi, collected our 8 suitcases and 4 handbags and trudged onwards towards the walk of shame. I call the walk leaving the baggage claim to the arrival gate where everyone is waiting for you.. The walk of shame. They all stare you down as if they can smell that you are using a different brand of soap, shayed something that works, and it makes me feel as if I did something wrong. It’s a childhood thing so I can’t really explain it.

The funny thing is I feel as if I have been eating since I have arrived here. Forget any bridal outfit looking good on me, so much for that fantasy coming true. Think I shall make a pretty bride? I hope so…

I love this country. The music that blares out of the rusted, rickshaws expelling black smoke as they carry full families to their destination.. to the wrinkly shopkeeper who smiles proudly displaying his tobacco stained teeth while he shouts out commands to his numerous ghulams who all scurry away with their heads bowed… or maybe it’s the colors that bring the city alive for me.. from the egotistical peacock showing off his fanned feathers, to the sari’s draped in shop windows. I don’t know what it is, but I am in love with India.

But as much as I love India…I miss home. My overworked dad who claims he needs to oversee business so that his children can spend happily and without worry, my furry little hair ball of a puppy who loves to lick my face and my legs after I hop out of the shower, my brother who left us at the airport with the simple statement of, “now you are gone. .I can beat all of my games!”

I miss Starbucks hot chocolate, Pho and I noodles with chicken, walking into the wee hours of the morning and freezing to death but burning up at the same time, Curry Student Center pool competitions, Info commons and the intensive talks that lasted until 5 in the morning, leaves scattered around campus with secret messages written on them, and staring at the moon wondering who else might be staring at it to…

But as I see it... all of the memories from last semester and soon to be last year…are just the tip of the iceberg… for more memories are yet to be made.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"Here lies me"

I was sitting in a computer lab on campus today. Instead of writing my paper I wrote a short story. I couldn't help it, I guess my mind was in the gutter to begin with, so the paper was out of question but something imaginative wasn't.

As the wind blew furiously across the drenched pavement, she continued to walk with her head downcast. She was in a world of her own, ignorant of the trees and their dance with the wind, and the curious stares from passerby's. She turned down an alleyway with its delicate cobwebs bracing themselves in the wind, but she was ignorant. Silent tears streamed down.. begging to be noticed and rubbed away. They raced to her chin and dared the other to drop. But she was ignorant. She continued with her slow heavy steps, through the abandoned alleyway, until she reached the city cementary. She pushed open the rusted, age-old gates with a shaking hand and continued into the quiet, untouched world ahead of her. Where everything was forgotten, where everything was dead. She stopped in front of a small tombstone, which unlike the others wasn't adorned with fresh flowers, and freed from the grasps of weeds. She knelt in front and took a feeble hand and rubbed the dirt that had settled on the engraved words. She openly wept now, trying to gulp down air between the thunderous sobs that shook her body. "Here lies me..," she finally whispered.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Lips of an Angel

I heard this song when I was driving home in September when I still had my car up. I loved the singer's voice when I heard it. It's so husky and sensual. Moan. The song itself is about a guy who gets a call from a girl whom he dated a while back, and he says its nice to hear from you.. But be quiet.. My girl is sleeping right next to me. The song paints a vivid image before you. Just a short post to tell all of you to listen to Hinder, Lips of an Angel. Take care until next time.

"It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But ... you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel"

Friday, December 01, 2006

December Ramblings

Do I believe in Fate.?
Do I believe in Angels..?
Do I believe in Destiny...?

yes.. if it means I was fated and destined to meet my angel, you.

I am currently mulling about in Ryder Hall, waiting for my 1:35 class to begin. Unlucky for you I brought my computer along and figured I would write a bit before it began. Right now I have Sandstorm, by Darude, blasting in my ears and I can't help but write to the rhythm of the music. Music is an odd thing.. It's that extra spice that captures the moment with it's lyrics or instrumentals.. hmm.. Can you imagine an existence without music. I would crumble apart. Those long bus rides home, walking home in the dark.. I find music helps me think. I especially love to drive alone and blast the music.. Doesn't matter if I want to just sing along, or just passively listen to the lyrics.. It's the highlight of my day most often.

Do you know what I love about this time of year. The fact that it gets dark so fast. I love it. I love the feeling of walking home when everyone is mysteriously missing from campus and just being able to process my day. Seeing the leaves on the ground for the first time, walking and watching the squirrels begin their coordinated game of hide and seek with us. I really love this time of year.

oh December. The time of love, the time for lights, the time for friendship. It's the most wonderful time of the year. Enough for now. I have class. But shall attempt something more coherent later in the evening.