Friday, December 01, 2006

December Ramblings

Do I believe in Fate.?
Do I believe in Angels..?
Do I believe in Destiny...?

yes.. if it means I was fated and destined to meet my angel, you.

I am currently mulling about in Ryder Hall, waiting for my 1:35 class to begin. Unlucky for you I brought my computer along and figured I would write a bit before it began. Right now I have Sandstorm, by Darude, blasting in my ears and I can't help but write to the rhythm of the music. Music is an odd thing.. It's that extra spice that captures the moment with it's lyrics or instrumentals.. hmm.. Can you imagine an existence without music. I would crumble apart. Those long bus rides home, walking home in the dark.. I find music helps me think. I especially love to drive alone and blast the music.. Doesn't matter if I want to just sing along, or just passively listen to the lyrics.. It's the highlight of my day most often.

Do you know what I love about this time of year. The fact that it gets dark so fast. I love it. I love the feeling of walking home when everyone is mysteriously missing from campus and just being able to process my day. Seeing the leaves on the ground for the first time, walking and watching the squirrels begin their coordinated game of hide and seek with us. I really love this time of year.

oh December. The time of love, the time for lights, the time for friendship. It's the most wonderful time of the year. Enough for now. I have class. But shall attempt something more coherent later in the evening.


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