Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bombay...yup yup

“Night” 1 in Bombay:
So I landed in Bombay. Bombay being where Abizer is from, since I am a Delhite. Abizer’s cousins came to pick us up from the airport. (Rishi, Roshanee, Abizer, and I) His nephew, Hasnain, drove us home. He is a speed demon, but he is also quite the driver. I was impressed and therefore enlisted him to teach me how to drive stick shift. Let’s see how that goes.

We came home that night, ate dinner, and then Roshanee and Hasnain (the male version of Roshanee) decided to go to Mocha (a hookah place, where the waiter’s wear Aladdin hats) and smoked hookah.

I made the terrible mistake of smiling at a small homeless girl on my way out of the hookah place and she then followed me all the way to the car begging for money, all the while grabbing my hands and shirt. As everyone got in the car, I stepped to get in, and the small girl blocked my path. As much as Roshanee (the next she-woman in my opinion) pushed her, the small girl wouldn’t budge. And Roshanee can push hard. So then Rishi leaned over to give her a shove, but he also failed in that attempt. Finally Hasnain got out of the car, and she ran away. I was quite traumatized after that experience but we carried on the night by meeting up with some of Hasnain’s friends at a bar in a hotel for some after dinner drinks.

Day 1 in Bombay:
We decided to meet with Abizer’s grandparents for lunch. They are the sweetest things, but they live on the 4th floor in a building with no elevator. So by the time we all climbed the stairs to their apartment, I felt like my lungs were on fire, even though Abizer literally carried me most of the way. While there, I looked out the window and saw the oddest thing, a pigeon with one normal leg and one enlarged elephant sized leg. It was one of the funniest sites I have seen in a while, funny and creepy at the same time.

The rest of the day was spent shopping for bangles, and jewelry. As time passed on for us, it grew near to the time Abizer’s parents were landing in Bombay. So we drove to the airport, and picked them up. Now the whole parewar is together.

Day 2 in Bombay:
Getting up is rendering to be impossible these days with the heat bearing down on us all day in steamy, hot Bombay. Eventually at 1PM in the afternoon… all the so called youth of the house tumbled out of bed wrinkled and sweaty to plan the day’s events. We decided to go to Juhu, to hit up the Satya Paul store there. Satya Paul is a designer who is known for his color infused sari creations. On the way we played the now international game of Mercedes Slap…which has now been shortened to Merc. As we wandered into the store with red hand prints on our arms and legs…we shopped around in the store which might have inspired Skittles.

We just trudged in the door not to long ago...all suffering from a minor case of neck pain from the fender-bender we were just in. We stopped at a light and the car behind us came and smashed into us, the fellow claimed he pressed the accelerator instead of the brake, and my neck happens to agree with him on that notion.

I am now relaxing until our “family” dinner at 8PM at a Chinese restaurant called Silk Root. Well I not really relaxing for that… more for the night Roshanee has planned after dinner. I need to meditate. The nightclub is called Poison… ohh don’t tempt me vile gods…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not surprised about the beggar. They have a thing for you. How do you think you found Abizer?...hehe.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Khush51 said...


4:11 PM  

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