Sunday, October 22, 2006

Birthday weekend chaos, Strikes, and Gifts

So I left you all teetering on edge promising to update on the "activities" from my birthday dinner.

Venue: Maggiano's
Time: 8:15PM

So Jane and Rishi had organized all of our friends to come to Maggiano's for a birthday dinner extravaganza. Even Abizer flew in from NYC to make it for my birthday. How sweet. We all ate and drank, more of less enjoying the night thoroughly. If you haven't been to Maggiano's its a family style dinner where they keep on filling up your plate when it gets empty. So we all ate and ate and ate.. Some might have exploded, while others might have vomited but we all ate packing 16 containers of left-overs in the end.

Venue: Lucky Strike
Time: 12:00AM

After dinner, some went home while a bunch of us went to Lucky Strike bowling, or more commonly known as Jillians. We played pool and we also went bowling. At pool I played one game with my usual partner "hustler" and as usual we won. At bowling though my team wasn't that fortunate and we lost but that was because one teammate was too weak to pick up the ball, one was without his glasses so he couldn't see the pins, and that left two of us to support the team. Plus I am a crappy bowler since my arm gets tired after exactly 6 frames so we literally had one person hauling our team to the finish line. Or maybe it's because all the good players were on Rosh's team. hmm.. I wonder.

In addition to birthday party mayhem, my dad and brother came to Boston to visit since my mom is in India shopping for wedding tid bits and clothes. Alf, Sal, and Ab's parents also came to Beantown to party hearty for our 22nd birthday. How sweet. I might end up becoming diabetic by the end of this post...

Besides that.. Some memorable moments included:

Trojan Man riding away into the safety of the bushes.. (that came out quite sexual but then again so was the nickname Trojan man to begin with), camera's being broken, heads being broken trying to catch oven baked goldfish, MarioKart faceoff's and threats, our cab driver telling me I should drive instead since I told him to take Storrow Drive, and lastly watching the sunrise as we went to bed...

After the camera broke we started to use the Mac built in camera..

Just on a side note.. I miss my dog. Ugh. Woof.

Oh my god, I totally forgot to tell you what I got for my birthday..

I got a certificate to So Good jewelry (Which is awesome since I practically sleep there)

Gilmore Girls Season #6

Bose Headphones (Flippin amazing..)

and a movado watch


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