Wednesday, October 18, 2006

God, GG on CW, and Birthday wishes

Just thought I would update since its been eeeeek like 15 days.. Holy shit. I forgot I could curse on the world wide web. Reminder to self to use that option more often in times of peril and anguish.

I really would have updated sooner but I have been all over the place. I started an on-line fan fiction story. I know.. I know.. What a loser, but hey I love the show and I can piece nouns and verbs together so I figured why not? The fact that people read it never ceases to amaze me though. It's called "God and an Angel." I know, I know, but no its not a documentary on my life overseeing you mere peon's. Hmm sorry wrong IM. hehehe you know when you are talking on AIM and the person you are talking to sends you a random IM about someone else or maybe you. Nod your heads folks since I know all of you have gone through it. Sorry back to my on-line sensation.. Cough.. It's about Kasam Se the serial I rambled on about a few posts ago.

I was watching Gilmore Girls last night and ughhh is it just me or has Loreli lost all credibility as a decent human being.. Cough .. skank... Did you hear something.. hmm.. Must have been the wind. For those of you who don't watch the daily one hour brain cell massacre on CW Tuesday nights at 8 (where do I tune in... ? Hello..?) you aren't missing much. But if you want to learn how to break up your engagement with the sweetest man on earth, whose hair must have melted under his oxygen deprived baseball cap and sleep with Christopher, or how to break your engagement with Rory's English professor and run away to Europe, or ... Do you educated individuals get the hint. She's like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride...

Ohh I almost forgot.. So today was the day I was born. I was taken out of my fluid refuge and literally expelled into the world. 45 minutes later in the real world, I was introduced to my arch nemesis from in the womb. She had kicked me around and tried to beat me up with her translucent fingers but I managed to apply an upper cut and tickle her with the umbilical cord. I have no idea where this story is going... Well to make the story more coherent. It's my 22nd birthday and along with me my twin sister Roshanee is celebrating. Thing #1 and Thing #2.

Well I shall update further when I get back from dinner with the "gang." Take care and no laughing at me while reading.. They took me off my medication ... Literally.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhh, your natal day my darling girl... hope you had fun and enjoyed the zucchini and bruschetta. oh, but i know you liked the tiramisu cream the best. licking it off my finger and all... ahhhh, how normal i would be without you....

2:16 AM  

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