Bike Trauma, Shades of Grey, Tiger lilies, and Jet Li
My week leading into the weekend basically sucked. Abs car got a flyer stuck on it and when I went to remove it the ink from the poster was stuck to the car. (oh shit) Also on Thursday, Roshanee's bike and my bike got stolen. Who would steal a hot pink bike? It was brand new and I had just brought it up from NJ. Bummer what a waste of me driving. Could have taken the bus. Besides that. Abizer came into town. Oh goody.
Me; dreaming of my bike...

But before indulging in the weekend escapades. I watched the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy. McDreamy is a hunk. Growl. And meridith kind of talks funny but the sparks that fly when they are together on screen are va va vroom. Too bad Danny died because I was waiting to watch them having wild carnal sex on the hospital bed with all of the machines beeping.

So onto the weekend. On Friday, I went grocery shopping before Abs got here, so that my fridge would be full. I bought tons and tons of food. Yup Yup. And most of it was well used by the starving stranglers that drop by every now and then. Friday evening Jane, Rosh, Abs, Amrita, V, Sejal, Suman, Suhas, Danny, Rishi, and I went to Tiger lilies. I haven't been there since my freshman year. They are known for there scorpion bowls. We had a ton of fun. Between the glamour shots, musicals chairs, Danny's vomiting act, and the Mala Malaysian chicken it was a good night. On the way home we stopped by Sejals apartment on Westland Ave. to see Jen's kitten. It was such a cute little runt. Kinda felt like squeezing it to death.
Sejal, Jane, Amrita, Roshanee, and me:

Sejal, Jane, McSexy, Roshanee, and Suman:

Saturday; Rosh, Abs, Rishi, and I went to see the new condo's on Park Street, near the AMC 13. The place was sweet but we are still looking around. Afterwards we picked up Ann, Heejin, and Navina and drove over to Commonwealth for some Indian food. It was soo spicy. The man figured ohh its my own brown people they can handle the "mirch". Well, no we actually can't. First we all coughed our lungs up, and then we downed 60 jugs of water, and then we inhaled all of their yogurt on the premises. Got dairy?
After eating lunch, the whole crowd went over to the Prudential/Copley. Abs and I went to Papyrus to pick out save the date cards for the upcoming wedding. Ann, Navina, and Heekin, went to Jasmine Sola to buy pretty dresses. Roshanee went on a hunt for truffles, and eventually Sejal and Jane also met us there.
In the evening, Rosh and her posse went to Tangerino's and Ann and I went to see Jet Li's Fearless. It was good movie. It was subtitled from Chinese. The fighting scenes were intense but still they were able to add a bit of humor. Also, Abs who wasn't feeling well, took a nap in the apartment until Ann and I came back.

Sunday thankfully was designated the day of rest, with a lot of thought. I rested by taking a 3 hour nap while Abs watched his football. Abs got on the 6:30 bus home, while I waited until 6:38 (sunset) to break my fast and eat something. I am doing the fasting for Ramadan, but not for religious purposes but to lose weight.
Well that was about it for the weekend. Bye again
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