Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Back to School...

So I am back at school. I am soo excited. I can't wait to pick out my books and my new notebooks and ohh ::excited giggle:: I can't describe the high. On a more rational wavelength, my apartment is cute, and I have decorated it to my liking and taste. Except for the obtrusive kitchen table in the front of the door. I called and asked them to pick it up otherwise I might eject it out of my window.

Here is a picture of the building Rosh and I moved into:

Last night a group of us (Rosh, Jane, Rishi, Amrita, and Sejal) went to Maggiano's and ate like the little piglets from Mother Goose fables. ::oink oink:: The fried zucchini is to die for.. The zucchini, Kasamh Se, and a dog are my top 3 for a deserted island survival kit. Fun fun fun.

For now, I have to go get ready for the "Night in the student center." I am promoting for UTSAV since I am now co-president. I think rosh is on her way out to buy a X-Box to draw in some new FRESH blood. Ohhh I can't wait to suck them dead. Hmm.. that sounded erotic, not the tone I was going for but that doesn't matter. [Reminder to self: tell abs to read blog] lol

Its quite sad I love to stay in the apartment. I am turning into a hermit. But then again I could use another couple of sets of arms.

I have to run now, since rosh packed the iron back in the box with the water container filled. Ugh... we have a flood.


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