The Treaty of Peace
So I heard about a website today called Post Secret. It's an amusing venture. People are asked to anonymously send their secrets on a 4-by-6 inch postcard. The secret can be one of regret, hope, fantasy, fear, betrayal, a confession, humiliation..etc. It's also a book. Check it out. You will be intrigued. The website is
Here is an example of someone's mailed in secret:

You know those chain mail e-mails you received back in the day.. Well here is one of them. Make my day and fill it out and e-mail it back to me. []
Do you make fun of people?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime:
One pillow or two, cotton or feathers?
Most Humiliating moment:
What do you look for in a romantic interest?
Boxers or briefs?
Grey or gray?
Color or black-and-white photos?
X or O in Tic-tac-toe?
What came first the chicken or the egg?
Left or right?
What is your biggest fear in the world?
Hard cover books or soft cover books?
Hugging or Kissing?
A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship?
well I better go and study for my exam tomorrow. Tsk Tsk. I swear.
Here is a picture of me.. taken from my computer. I have to get more hobbies.

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