Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Treaty of Peace

I tried not to write .. I tried to stay away but I couldn't. It's a release for me. It keeps me sane. Well enough about me. Let's talk about something else.

So I heard about a website today called Post Secret. It's an amusing venture. People are asked to anonymously send their secrets on a 4-by-6 inch postcard. The secret can be one of regret, hope, fantasy, fear, betrayal, a confession, humiliation..etc. It's also a book. Check it out. You will be intrigued. The website is

Here is an example of someone's mailed in secret:

You know those chain mail e-mails you received back in the day.. Well here is one of them. Make my day and fill it out and e-mail it back to me. []

Do you make fun of people?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime:
One pillow or two, cotton or feathers?
Most Humiliating moment:
What do you look for in a romantic interest?
Boxers or briefs?
Grey or gray?
Color or black-and-white photos?
X or O in Tic-tac-toe?
What came first the chicken or the egg?
Left or right?
What is your biggest fear in the world?
Hard cover books or soft cover books?
Hugging or Kissing?
A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship?

well I better go and study for my exam tomorrow. Tsk Tsk. I swear.

Here is a picture of me.. taken from my computer. I have to get more hobbies.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Notice to readers...

I am currently planning on going on hiatus from my writing, and if I do continue there is a high possibility that I might make the rest of the entries private.

Abizer and I

Sadly I am still awake. Quite sadly. I was just looking through photographs on Facebook, a website which I am on what seems like forever.

Abizer and I from Semi-formal 2005:

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Lights, Camera, and Action

I am sitting home alone on a Saturday evening.
I am glad the old Khush is back.
I missed her terribly.

Life has been so hectic lately as if everything had been happening on fast forward. Everyday has been a rollercoaster, and I am not complaining for I am enjoying it all very much since I know very soon we all will move on in our lives leaving some of the cherished individuals behind as we go chasing after our dreams. Of course not purposely will we leave each other's hand but life is like the ocean for it will carry us willingly or unwillingly towards the shores of greater civilization. Leaving it upon us to decide whether we want to fight the waves for advancement or just let it carry our lifeless bodies ashore. What a lovely picture I have painted. Mahshallah.

This past week, forget me just having amusing things to report on the weekend, because now I go out during the week too.

It was our UTSAV diwali dinner. UTSAV being our South Asian organization on campus in which, Roshanee and I are co-presidents. I must say I was very happy with the turnout and the whole event as a whole. The place was a renovated building with a hint of aristocratic snobbery still lingering in the air which made the atmosphere just perfect for our formal get together. The evening incorporated romantic music lazily drifted out of the large terrace equipped windows beckoning outsiders to join in the mystical aromatic festivities inside. Where reunited friends, old and new, passed the night getting drunk off of old memories and each other's laughter. But no night is which out it's scandals and garam masala so let me not pause any further in reporting the before mentioned deviances. We had nosebleeds, slaves, men acting like women who just got their nails done, girls seducing men with 9 yards of fabric, green initiation markers, fires which were never meant to get started, a flood from a mysterious origin on the carpet, a parade of dadi ma's singing "take me out to the ballgame,", phone calls intercepted by non-showering later comers, underweight birthday girls squealing at a bar at 2 AM, boys walking home on the parkway in a desolate, quiet world, and a memorable conversation in the rain on my cell phone. I must say a lot goes on in one night.

This is the new executive board for UTSAV:

Rosh and Rishi:

Amrita scaring Sush with her sari:

Afjal, Rishi and I:

Hypnosis has long progressed from the man who waves a pocket watch back and forth, guiding his subject into a semi-sleep, zombie-like state. Mysel, plus a large group of about 30 something students from NU, went to see Frank Santos, or otherwise known as the R-rated hypnotist, at the Comedy Connection at Quincy Market. He reduced men and women alike with the aid of lights and calming music to believe their breasts were growing in front of them, to have an orgasm when ever he uttered the word "drink", and do a striptease for the audience's enjoyment among other things. It was an entertaining show to witness, the power of suggestion and words. Amongst all the drinking, french fries, evil stares, being called by the wrong name, blood curdling screams, indian food leftovers, heavy duty plant cleaning, walking in the rain to get a PS3, and watching Kabhi Alvida Nah Kehna with 3 boys commenting on sari embroideries, the night was a delicious break from the demanding world of academics.

After a filling lunch at Qdoba's, and salvaging the wreckage from my apartment after Hurricane Bindra hit it while dressing on Wednesday and Thursday, it was decided we would see the movie, Departed at 7:20PM at Fenway AMC and then Casino Royale at 11:15PM. Departed starring Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jack Nicholson, told the story of two men from opposite sides of the law, who are undercover within the Massachusetts State Police and the Irish Mafia. The movie consisted of killing wrecklessly, Irish dominance, racist undertones, vulnerability, and the recycled motto from the X-files, "Trust no one." How could I not like it. The new 007 movie starring Daniel Craig as the new James Bond raised your adrenaline in the more erotic and sensual way. From Bond's apparent arrogance and disregard to authority, a shower scene epitomizing tenderness, the Aston MartinDBS he drove, the torture scene which left many aching, and the African monkey which showcased his abilities in the beginning, the movie was an absolute delight.

Memorable Quotes:
M: This may be too much for a blunt instrument to understand...

James Bond: What I understand, double-ohs have a very short life expectancy. (if you guys are still clueless..Think more erotically)

Vesper Lynd: Am I going to have a problem with you, Bond?
James Bond: No, don't worry. You're not my type.
Vesper Lynd: Smart?
James Bond: Single.

Besides men fawning over apparently the last female on this planet, meeting unexpected confidant's from the past, salt covered popcorn, particular eagerness for Bond to seduce the Bond girl, musical chairs/ keep away from me, a little boy winning me a teddy bear, unexpected cold fronts putting a damper on brazen t-shirt clad men's egos, Chinese food, and Facebook re-modeling. I think it's safe to say my evening was far from uneventful.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Takdir hai magar kismat nahi khulti

Humse dhoor jawoge kaise,
Dilse humain bhoolaoge kaise,
Hum woh khushboo hai jo saanson main basthe hai,
Khudki saanson ko rokh paawoge kaise.

How will you go far away from me?
How will your heart forget me?
I am that fragrance that mingles with the breath,
now how can you stop your breath?

Yeh dil kabhi ishq na jaanta tha itna
Ki kisike bagair jee nahi sakta
Ad jab yeh jaan tumhari ho chuki hai
Jeena to kya apni marzi se mar nahi sakta

This heart never knew much about love
That it would have been able to live alone
Now that this heart is yours
Forget life, I can't even die on my own.


Gay Men, Homeless Men, and Men who just plain left early...

hello... I would say it louder but my throat is hurting from all the shouting I did at the RDB/ Jay Sean concert and Boston Bhangra Concert. Which I will get into as soon as I finish telling you about my week leading up to this jam packed weekend.

I was studying with Nate in the library for my microbiology midterm and my lab practical also on the same god forsaken day...As I was wondering around the unnaturally populated library trying to get my brain back into study mode I spotted Afjal and quietly crept up on him as he used the computers in the library. After checking our e-mails, we wandered over to Rishi, Tina, Pearl, and Binita who were all studying together. We happened to walk by when they were taking a chocolate break. Something about training them to work harder with food...Woof..Sit boy.

After a while, we decided we would go and study... Yes as if that was possible. We met up with Nate again and studied quietly and studiously for about 10 minutes until Rishi joined us at our table, then Raj and Bicky joined us, then two girls giving out free promotional bottles of Red Bull came over. We decided to give up studying for the moment and sat around and discussed what everyone's secret passion was... mine includes being doused in liquid chocolate and.. Oh sorry I forgot you guys were still there reading... Ahem.. clearing throat.. Where was I. Oh yes, back to my productive studying habits this semester. We then decided to take a dinner break and reconvene at 11 PM at my apartment to study further.

So we broke off, Rishi went back to the apartment, while Raj, Jale, and I decided to eat at Boston Shwarma. The food was okay.. a bit on the oily side for me, but the salad was really good especially the tomatoes. Let me tell you about that adventure. I swear everything I set out to do, turns into an adventure by the time I am done with it. Hmph!

We were sitting at a table conversing about having a "good" pen makes a "good" signature when a deranged homeless man decides to move a tad bit too close into my personal space in the restaurant. Let's ignore the fact that his face looked like he just finished auditioning for the re-make of the Jason Horror Series, and the obvious fact that he maybe hadn't showered in a longer time than most Jewish people I know. Just kidding, don't get your threads in a knot.. Okay I am seriously joking now. Moving past that... he decides this is the perfect restaurant and we are the perfect group of college kids to ask for money. Being equally as deranged as the homeless man, I gave him some money and he walked away not before knocking on the window before passing by and flashing me his toothless grin, his way of conveying his gratitude.

Jane says "I attract retarded people towards me".. Abizer says "Stop talking to strangers" and Jale says "I can't save the world" when you put everything everyone says to me together you develop a headache like I do at times..But I can't help it. I feel compelled to help them out. I feel bad. It's as simple as that. I grew up with whatever I wanted given to me, and never had to go a day without food or a warm home. These unfortunate individuals have neither. So if I give them a dollar, here and there, it can't hurt. Right? I don't know.. you can call me crazy but my heart ache's when I see another person beg. There is nothing more degrading.. you have to leave all humiliation and self respect at bay while you resort to begging.

After eating we headed back to my apartment where Jale, Nate, Jane and I talked some more and then decided to watch Desperado with Antonio Banderas, (Just on a side note my mom met him and his wife last night while watching a play in NYC). After everyone left, I sat down and studied until 4AM... slept till 6AM and then woke and studied till 12:30PM.. Hopefully I did okay.

After all of my tests I was mentally traumatized. But as lady luck would have it I didn't even have the time to drain the leaking spinal fluid out of my crooked back which developed from hunching over exams all day as I had to run to UNO's for Ami's birthday celebration. Since I get out of class at 5:40 and the party started at 6 its needless to say that we were embarrassingly late but we all looked very sexy and squeaky clean. Well I never got a compliment on how I looked... Unlike the other two devilish broods I was with but I can only hope I looked somewhat on par...Sigh.

Like I said lady luck seemed to have it out for me. I hadn't eaten all day and was thrilled to sit down and enjoy a relaxing dinner with friends. But we had forgotten in the commotion to "hang" the decorations and "set up" the cake, so I volunteered to run over and fetch the last minute items. I got the said items, stuck them into a cab only knocking the driver a few times in the head with the giant purple and pink princess balloon, and lugged them into my apartment. I more or less am pretty slow since I missed dinner and ended up having some cold chicken and broccoli fettucine leftovers. I should run next time.... since I was really looking forward to the chocolate cookie sundae. Since I missed dinner, I waited in my apartment for the birthday girl to come over and blow out her candles, which due to the lack of things to do on my part were aligned in a ruler straight line, with exact 90 degree perpendicular angles.. Weirdo I swear.

After the rather crazed birthday cake ritual that has developed as of this year, we all headed to Caprice for a Bhangra competition pre-party. It was a sweaty, Indian smelling party where even if you weren't dancing were pushed along with the beat of the music. The night was full of interesting developments...Ami thinking I needed a shower with her drink, Emeka giving Jane a lap dance much to her protest, Ami and I witnessing a police raid in the women's room, some man trying to attack my shoulder, Jane using her "bouncer contacts" to get Jessica and her sister into the club, LBC bhangra team's twin boys being repeatively introduced to Roshanee and I, someone thinking we owned the club, and my personal favorite, Ami getting in the man's face for asking me for a piece of gum.. (she didn't know he was just asking for gum, but it was quite funny to watch her in action).

FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY updates to follow soon...Bye.

On a totally different track. Here is a picture of my mom and me from the cruise my family took in the summer to Bahamas.

and here is a photo of me.. looking kush and content with life.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Candle Pin Bowling, Umrao Jaan, and Shopping

Guess who's back?

This past weekend was what I would define as a very adventurous one. On Friday, we decided to see the movie Prestige, the one about the competitive magician's. No one thought to buy tickets beforehand so once we got there, parked, trudged out of the car and stood in line, we realized it was sold out. Who would have thought such an ostracity could occur on a Friday night. Hmph. So the idea of bowling was thrown out and like hungry puppies we took the bait. So I went bowling with Rosh, Jane, Shivani, Sejal, Amrita and Afjal. Poor Afjal was the only guy among all of us girls. Actually I would consider that extremely lucky, since we all are such ravishing beauties. Cough cough. Sorry I started laughing and started to choke on my tongue... We went to this joint called Boston Bowl. Now if you look up "gang-haven" in the dictionary you would find this places picture under the entry. It was crawling with "ghetto"-ified individuals. I figured if I wasn't assaulted by the corn roll clad individual behind the counter I would definitely get beaten up by the Mitsubishi driving Asian individual.

They are open 24 hours and at 10:30 PM we had to wait 30min for candle pin and 1.5hours for regular bowling. We decided to try our luck at candle pin. Now for those of you haven't played this game before, let me explain. The pins are thin, and sausage like. The ball is the same size as a coconut. Are you visualizing the trauma we all endured trying to get our small coconuts to hit the anorexic pin. Afjal then came up with idea of rolling 3 balls in succession one after another before the pins got reset. Watching this sight, I don't think I laughed as much as I did that night.

Some of our highlights included: Sejal kicking our butts, Afjal inventing a new way to get a high score, a man with a gun asking us to move ( we didn't move, we scattered like roaches), Roshanee screaming in an Army officer's face, Jane chucking her purse, Amrita showing us the in's and out's of dressing like a man in sweats, and men named Pinkerly or something like that.

On Saturday, we had decided to watch Umrao Jaan. Only problem was getting there, since it wasn't in Boston. It took us over an hour to get there by public transportation, since that was the day they stopped running the trains all the way so we had to take a shuttle. Rishi, Amrita, Sejal, Afjal, and I traveled from NU, Roshanee and Jane traveled from Braintree, and Namrata, Sneha, Viral, and Minney traveled by car. I think I can safely say we had a big crowd.

After the movie which was wonderful and starred Abhishek and Aishwaria, we went to Bertucci's. The movie was a tad bit depressive, but their on screen chemistry had most of the women craving and the men lusting for more.

Aishwaria Rai as Umrao Jaan:

A movie poster of our star in blue, a color of loneliness just on a side note. Also did you know that Abhishek attended BU Business school. Go Boston!!:

The movie, dinner, and the ride back consisted of: spending 45 minutes trying to decipher the bill, Afjal actually being nice to me, Amrita and Afjal texting about me back and forth, me realizing that I put baby oil in my hair instead of gel, having more drinks on the bill than entrees, being verbally assaulted by a drunk man on the shuttle ride home (he wanted to put a ice pick in the back of our necks....I kid you not), browsing the aisles of Blockbluster, writing with a Sharpie marker on Geetha's forearm while she was passed out that we love her, watching The Omen with a bunch of 20 something year olds shivering to death, climbing up mountainous terrain to get to our destination in my leopard flats, and being attacked for my Poly-O string cheese.

Sunday, thankfully, was a bit calmer. I went shopping at Prudential to get something for all the November birthday individuals, but found nothing. Bummer. Well it's 6:04AM and I really should sleep since I have a 9:15AM class. Eek!

Before I go thought I would share some photo's that were dear to me.
This one is a throwback from Penn Damaka:

This one is a collage Abizer made for me one day:

Thursday, November 02, 2006

B...O....O! and Surprise go well together

Just came back from Shivani's surprise party at Amish's house at Dorchester. The area was shabby, but the house was amazingly big and quasi-neat. Besides the fact that the roof looked like it was harboring 400 million years of dust and mold, it was an okay after dinner entertainment venue. The guy had two 50 inch plasma TV's. I was quite confused, in that area where you have a higher chance of being shot than graduating high school, the guy had a ping pong table, 5 huge computers, and 2 plasma TV's. I was irked.

This would be from the surprise party, in the guys basement. Direct your eyes towards the moldy roof which might cave in on us at any moment, crushing our precious bodies:

Besides surprising Shivani, twice in one day, we just recently had our Boo Bash party.That was a lot of fun. We had a bumblebee, Mr. Wolverine, the devil, an angel, Narnia's lion, a sexy pharmacist, V for vendetta, 2 pirates, a surgeon, a Saudi Prince, a jailbird, a nutty chemist, and lastly Zorro. It was an amusing collection of individuals. We held the party at Suman's place since our "little" humble abode wouldn't have accommodated so many people.

The night progressed with some tantalizing events coming out of the wood work. Jane had the hookah fall on top of her and had her arm burned by the coal. Tsk Tsk. So I generously applied the age old remedy of toothpaste on her upper arm. I had nothing to wrap it in so I took a swiffer mop sheet and wrapped it up and then took a hairband to hold it in place. (I think this is a worthy thing to mention in my med school applications.. No?)

In addition to events that seem to be instigated by Rosh and Jane, we had Trojan man followed by not one girl but chased ferociously by 2 women. We had oddballs whose mother named them by picking a letter from the alphabet and then adding numerous e's to the end of it, we had a joyride to Randolph, the hometown of the infamous bumblebee, and we had illegal substances ejecting from the apartment (literally...Tsk, Tsk).

I thoroughly enjoyed watching people in their drunken stupor with my sidekick Raj, a new friend I made that evening. I missed my dearest Cuddles though. Who left for New York on the 8PM flight.

Rosh, Ann, Sejal, and I:

Wolverine and I:

Zorro (Rohit), our pirate (Suman), Raj, Wolverine (Rishi), and our Saudi prince (Afjal):

The devil (Jane), our surgeon (Akshay), and me:

This would be V for Vendetta, Rosh and I:

Jane and I with my cherry tootsie pop:

Afjal, Sejal, and I:

Our sexy pharmacist: