Tuesday, August 22, 2006

MCAT update, ocean views, and beer goggles

It feels good not to have anything to do but relax for the last 2 weeks of summer. I took my MCAT on Saturday, phew that is over. It was okay, so hopefully it will be a good score and I won't have to fret over taking it again. Ugh.. We stayed in the hotel where they were having the test, and that made my life a lot easier day. I didn't have to worry that I would get lost or stuck in traffic, I just woke up at 7AM and went to the ballroom. I got out of the exam at 5:18PM ... So it was a loooonnnnnnngggg day.

Then afterwards Rosh, Abs, Alf, Jane, Anish,Sal, Tarun, Roopshare, and her b/f and I went to have dinner in Greenwich in the city. It was a fun dinner. I usually get bored since everyone after an hour or so gets tipsy and I am sober as day and don't find many of the same things to be that funny. But none the less I had a good time, even though I was dead tired mentally and physically.

Sunday, we had a little get together at our house where my dad was unveiling his "Cruise home video." Abs and I picked up about 8 pies of pizza from pizzahut and it was more or less devoured by the hungry adults in a matter of minutes. Abs looked delicious that day as well... Since we are talking about food and all. ::wink::

Monday, my mom took Roshanee and I to see a house she thought would be good for Abs to buy. It was on the ocean.. not one of those faux-waterfront homes.. this was almost in the ocean. It had 5 bedrooms and 5 baths... and it had an elevator, and 4 floors. It was about 6,500 sq. ft so it was a pretty roomy home... only drawback might have been the fact it was on the market for 3.75 million dollars. Mom said it was a great investment. Abs and I giggled.

Okay I have a piano lesson.. shall chit chat later with all of you..

Thursday, August 17, 2006

"As the world turns" "Passions" "All my children"

I am the last person in the world to get addicted to soap opera's but the Indian "serials" as they are called have reeled me in. Even though they have cheesy sound effects the stars are wearing the newest fashion (definite plus since I need to know what new for the wedding season) and most of the "serials" have a relatively well thought out plot.

I am watching 4 of them at the time.. I start at 8:30 and go on watching the 30 minute shows until 10:30PM. In my opinion if they just made each one longer it wouldn't be so frustrating to the viewer. Unlike shows like "Passion" which have been running since my high school days most Indian soaps are max 1.5-2 yrs long. They finish up and new ones are aired. Thats whats so exciting about them. (Plus if I miss out on an episode I can always go on-line and see whats going to happen since they started in India months previously).

Well in one of the serials I watch, Kasam Se, the story goes something like this...

Its the story about three sisters whose alcoholic dad while taking his last breath told them to go to the city where one of their mother's friends lived. They were told that this friend would take good care of them. Bani (sweet, innocent, older sister), Piya (money hunger bitch), and Rano (a bookworm still in college) packed their bags and went to the city to stay with the friend (Jai Walia - a multi-billionaire).

Once there Jai's sister Jigyasha makes there life hell, while Jai himself falls in love with Piya (the money driven freak), and Pushar ( a simpleton who works for Jai also falls in love with Piya) Its just her lucky day...Jai proposes to Piya she says yes, and then on the day of her wedding she runs off with Pushy to live the middle class life leaving her other 2 sisters to cover for her. Jigyasha (the evil sister of Jai) tells Bani why don't you take her place till she gets back. (In India the brides cover there faces with heavily adorned veils until after the marriage ceremony).

Jai is extremely betrayed and pissed off when he realizes he married Bani instead of Piya. And from that day onwards promises revenge. But luck have it he slowly falls in love with Bani... girlish giggle. And Bani loves him back, but both are too shy to say anything. But then comes another female into the picture (Roshni chopra) she is Jai's old flame and wants him back. ( I guess the whole "I'm already married means little to her"). She reminds him of a secret they share which involves Bani and this scares him.

Turns out on the 29th of June, a dark and stormy night 7 years ago, Jai ran over Bani's mom by accident, with roshni (his then fiancee in the car so of course she knows about it). Jai paid Bani's dad $100, 000.00 to make it go away. The drunk agreed.. and life went on. Bani eventually finds this out from the loving Roshni and she leaves Jai. But he loves her and she him.. so lets see where that goes..

In addition, Piya (the snob) leaves Pushy because he is too poor for her, and comes knocking on Jai's door. Where will that go..? Can you see why I am addicted. I can't even recall the Cell theory in such precision. hehehehe

okay back to studying...

thats Bani and Jai... aren't they cute... aww

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Going to meet the "BK King" and Soiled Adventures

So I am repenting for my actions from yesterday. I had claimed I could bike to the near by Burger King (about 5 miles total trip) and get my brother his daily required dose of fat for his dinner. Well I was able to do the above stated task but now I am forced to do so again since my mom thinks its a "great way to get thinner." Well, true but why can't I just sit at home or mull around in the background.

I shall be off soon to make my little tour de Toms River and when I return I need to start cramming for the MCATs again. yippy. I am actually really enjoying the biology section which is kind of entertaining to me.

Just a side note the picture is from the annual world soil conference which I attended in Philadelphia with Prof. Davies and Prof. Elham. I had to make a presentation in front of a lot of people which might explain the constipated look on my face.

Monday, August 14, 2006

wild sex, hotels, and white angels...

Hello all, what's up? It's been a very long time I know.. So long that Si toured half the world and came back and I have still not updated. Oops.

I got my housing slip in the mail. Goody. I am living in the village. Where people fear the color red, and a keep their doors locked at night. They have a thing for blind women and ultra hot men. I hope the room we picked is okay...I am getting giddy with excitement. I always do before I move into a new place I get very happy and then extremely depressed thinking that I unpacked and packed my stuff about 6x in 3 years.. phish posh. Roshanee went to the room and saw it while she was in Boston for a weekend. She said we have bunk beds.. hmmm.. Creepy. What if I fall off to my impending doom? Or if the mattress somehow rips in two and I go plummeting to the bed underneath me? Is their a size restriction or a weight restriction? Things to think about I guess.

also my lovely pets... I have invested in a macbook. It is a the cutest little white angel. I am thoroughly enjoying it and surprisingly it wasn't that hard to adjust after years of assisted living off of Windows...I can make cute little photo collages and compose my own song. Oh goody. Besides my new favorite baby name being apple (go G. paltrow) I need to bitch and moan about the MCATs.

They have changed my testing site exactly 5000000000000x hmmm okay I am exaggerating but only a by a little. The number is more like 3x but hey toe-may-toe or ta-ma-toe... Same shit.. First it was in Rutgers Law school... then it got booted to the Marriott hotel in cherry hill, then I got an express mail today saying it was now in the charion hotel. What kind of a brand is the charion hotel. Ugh... increase my anxieties you heathen warlocks see if I care.. (psssst... I do care.. I do .. I do .. I do)...

in addition to that mayhem, I watched P and P the TV series.... made a while back and it was good.. I liked Colin Firth, he was the only good looking fool in the movie.. Seriously I kid you not. The women were monstrous and had plastered on hair do's. They could hop and skip and have wild tantric sex and their 5 curly ringlet bangs would not sway to the tempo. Savvy....

but it was a good movie none the less. The newer version which I still have occasional orgasms over still is number 1 for me, but it was nice to see the ENTIRE book read line for line in the TV miniseries.

Ohh. . Mr. Darcy.. Ohhhhhh Mr. Darcy... (screams get louder and more frantic, a curious onlooker peeps into the keyhole to observe the oddest sight. Mrs. Darcy's 5 ringlet curls not moving but readily defying newtons laws of every action has a equal and opposite action).

Just recently came back from a 4 day cruise in the Bahamas sadly yes... I have turned black.. No offense Ann. I am freakishly odd looking with two white breasts and two white butt cheeks. F@%k you.. stupid inventor of a bathing suit with some of the most wretched cuts and angles. Sometimes I wonder if they design the bathing suit to have a odd cut out in the back just so they can laugh later.. for ex. heheheheh look at the dim witted arse who has a criss cross on her back... hahahahha.. hmm I wonder.

Besides my relaxing in the pool filled with sea water (the devils hand surely.. because we all love swimming in the salty sea), munching on rum cake, being a finalist in the slot machine tournament on board, buying 16 bottles of Black label, and having a VIP room only to have the balcony view obstructed by a safety vessel the trip was loads of fun.. giggle (the infamous giggler is back ladies and gentlemen).

Here is a picture of Abizer and I at dinner on the cruise.

And here is a picture of Roshanee and Rishi.

well I must be going now.. I have to study too you know. muuuuuuuuah