Sunday, August 26, 2007

Alone she sat...

She sat quietly watching the crowd flow by her into the movie theater. Depressing she thought to herself, “sitting here by myself.” Truly depressing. She turned and looked towards the door. College students, middle-aged couples, even children strolled past her giving her a pity filled stare, while she sat patiently on the stone bench. Not able to hold eye contact anymore, she looked down onto her lap at her cell phone. “No missed calls, no text messages” it announced on its home screen. “It must have been another joke by the boys at school…” she thought. She looked at her watch, which seemed like moments ago, had read nine o’clock…now flashed back at her twelve forty-five. She slowly got up, tried pushing the wrinkles out of her skirt, and quietly walked home alone.

Fate is interesting. Since I am the creator of this story I can chose how to end it as well. Let’s see what happened to that mysterious girl.

While she was walking home, she was grabbed into a car, which was parked at the corner with its light out… puttering out a puff of smoke out of its exhaust every now and then. She didn’t see that… because she was busy trying to clean up her running mascara, which as the bottle had said, when she had bought it, wasn’t waterproof. She was gagged, and beaten until she was within an inch of life and finally stopped fighting against the inevitable. She was dumped near a park, which ironically comprised of weeping willows. She awoke in a hospital two months later unrecognizable to the world.

She looked towards the door of her room and saw the same pity filled eyes she had seen that night as visitors walked by with flowers and teddy bears huddled up in their arms. She turned away from the door, with no more tears left to shed over herself.

“Patty, I swear you are such an animal…” Lean yelled around the corner as she walked away from her still growling friend. Having just finished college, Lean couldn’t believe her luck when she got the call from Quixnot Medical to be a RN in the Intensive Care Unit . Finally her life was changing for the better. She walked to the nurse station and picked up her patient charts for evening. First one on the pile was the Jane Doe they had brought in two months ago from the brutal, gang rape. Lean walked the short distance into her patients room.

Lean’s blood-curdling scream was heard throughout the floor….

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Useless Update..

Oof I'm tired.. from doing nothing really. Sad I know. I think its the heat.. I prefer when its cold anyhow. My hair likes it better doesn't frizz up like a chia pet. Did I mention I got it straightened like Roshanee's. Yup yup. My hair is now like Indian Barbie's.
So I am currently writing my thank you cards. It is one very tedious and daunting task. Especially without the help of my husband whose name I sign on the bottom of every card. Hmph! Men I swear.

The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe is the fact that it has never tried to contact us...I was cleaning out my iPod and I found the oddest thing I might have written. Apparently I like stalking people because I can't think of any other reason I might have written this.. but here is what I found.

Sunday, November 12th, 2006, Location: Cyber Café, InfoCommons, Snell Library
Midterm week had just begun and students were filing in with hopeless looks on their faces as they walked into Snell Library. I decided to follow suit and see what college students did when they were under pressure from their academic superiors. I found a comfy black arm chair in Cyber Café in the far corner. I pulled out my laptop and started taking notes. I looked like any of the other students with my piles of notebooks, loose leaf paper and five rainbow colored highlighters scattered around me. I choose this setting since I would have had the smallest chance of being detected since I blended in so well. In the end, I too am a college student, who was writing something on her laptop, every now and then staring up into space and at other people with a glazed over look and then back at my computer screen vigorously typing away.

What I saw and noticed.
What I concluded as I observed people’s actions was that people either come to Cyber Café to do some hardcore studying or to pretend they are doing some hardcore studying. Usually when students came in groups, more than one, they spent the evening talking about their projects for about ¼ of the time and complaining about their life, boyfriend, or the latest movie for the other ¾‘s of the time. They become preoccupied with other things rather than the assignment or impeding test they had. When students came into the Café alone they worked studiously for a prolonged period of time and then they might have taken a break, but they always came back and started religiously studying again. Also people who came in with a laptop did less work.
Why I would write this.. who knows.. maybe for a class. But it was funny to read my antics as a psychotic student.

Did you know?
  • Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
  • Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
  • Cats, Camels, and Giraffes are the only animals in the world that walk right foot, right foot, left foot, left foot, rather than Right foot, Left foot.
  • Canadians are allowed to send letters with personalized postage stamps showing their own photos on each stamp.
  • When offered a new pen to write with, 97% of all people write their own name.
Also I found a cute definition:
Marriage - It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her master.