Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dekhoo main tujhko kareeb se

Ever have those moments in life.. when the same thing you have been doing everyday.. all of sudden looks so different today... ? I have been watching over my brother for 12 years now.. but today.. I am craving to spend more time with him for I now understand in a few more years when he grows up, college comes along, he will move on with his own life.. and the moments that I had now.. won't come back.. they just won't...

Is raat ko thaam lo, Saarii ghadiyaan thod do na
Capture this night, break from the time restraints
Is chand ko bandh lo, chadhte sooraj ko rok lo
Tie down this moon, stop the sun from rising

I swear this song is so romantic [Adnan Sami - Kasam].. it makes you want to run in the rain and play like a little child.. it makes you want to sit under the stars on the grass.... maybe just me and the inner romantic in me..

Milte yeh lamhe naseeb se,tujhko nahin hai pata
You only get these moments by luck, you don't know..

I was asked recently.. how many kids I wanted.. I think its funny.. the moment you get married.. if you pick up a child you get comments like.. "children look good in your arm .. so when will you have one..??" It is some Aunty radar I swear. I am afraid to pick up my niece now.. poor thing for she is quite an adorable jaanu of mine.

Mere chain ko loot ke
Stealing away my calmness

I guess when you get married.. everything seems to start becoming urgent in your mind since you want your parents to be able to play with your children.. you want them to be there for their birthdays, your anniversaries, your happiness.. Ever get scared that what you hold dear to you will leave you..The things that keep you stable that hold you down in life.. will one day wilt and crumble.. I do.

Mere kwaabon ko thod ke, meri neendhon ko cheen ke tu
Breaking my dreams, stealing away my sleep

I don't know.. everything seemed like it was going in slow motion until I got to college then I don't know where the years went.. I was looking at a photo of myself from freshman year.. I look like a child.. I am still a child but now...hmm.. yeah.

Before....... Freshman year

Now... Senior Year

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Rantings from the South of France...

Oh it's nice to be back. After a while, when I'm abroad, it doesn't matter how relaxing or how much fun I am having.. I eventually start missing home. My little hairball Shi Tzu licking my feet, my brother and I battling it out on Mario Party 8 on Nintendo WII, both my mom's cooking, and Roshanee's random mood swings, which I love to egg on (evil giggle)...
While I was in France I wrote on my iPhone instead of updating my blog. It was kinda the same thing. So here are my notes from the honeymoon.

"So the honeymoon has started and contrary to what Neal was telling people, at his 4th of July party, that Abizer and I were booked on the first flight to the moon in 2009 for our honeymoon, we have left for the French Rivera.
Buon giorno from Italy. So we are currently in our transfer destination, Rome or as the Italians say, Roma, waiting for our flight to Nice, France. The flight from Newark was "stiff" to say it in the nicest terms I can think of at the moment, but the movies were good, which made the time go faster... If that was possible. I saw the movie "Blood Diamonds" which was riveting and a "gem" of a movie with a hottie like Leonardo Dicaprio.
As I grow older flying has become more grueling and tiresome and less adventurous. People have also become, as I have noticed first hand, increasingly culturally retarded or should I say naive. I met only one couple who thus far knew what mehndi/henna was. Sad because the rest thought I was diseased or tattooed. I'm hoping the rest of the people I meet won't have a staring problem as well. Hmph.
On a side note I was reading "Life and Style" magazine, a staple when I am traveling, and Eva Longeria is currently in St. Tropez. The odds we see someone famous...infinity to zero...but it's fun to daydream.
Okay, our connecting flight is about to take off, so talk to you again in Nice! Devo andare adesso. (Rough translation - I have to go now...)
So we reached Nice and my is it gorgeous. Our hotel, Palais de la Mediterranee,overlooks the yacht filled blue ocean with its rocky beaches and the lush green mountains boosting of scenic spots. We arrived around 2pm and both of us crashed and slept until 10:30pm. What... flying is tiring even though you are sleeping the whole time anyhow. It's a conundrum of traveling I must say. Luckily the stores and restaurants are open until late here, so we were able to wander the town a bit, catch a few street shows, make friends with a few bums, and finally pick a place to sit down and eat. The pasta here is fabulous... and the pizza is also très bien.
It seems smoking, cappuccino's and Longchamp are all in style. I don't smoke, I don't drink lattes, cappuccino's or espresso's, and I sadly didn't bring my Longchamp purse...(mental torture) Also, the people here are beautiful...Abizer and I only saw three overweight people all night, which should say something for itself, but with such pasta and pizza filled diets how they manage this, we were perplexed...again.
Hmm nap time...talk to you soon. Au revoir, Bonne nuit.
Bonjour again. Just finished my daily scrubbing of my mehndi...yes I know its marital taboo but I can only take so much gawking at...I'm watching Dirty Dancing in Italian so basically I'm not understanding much but its still a good movie to watch. Its funny how much body language and small hidden actions we miss since we are to busy listening to the dialogue. We spent the day walking the small streets of Nice, and discovering restaurants to try for dinner.
Well, time to check up on sleeping Abizer. He's been a bit under the weather. His throat has been hurting.. Which reminds me of a funny story. We called the concierge to ask for some throat lozenges or a spray. I guess our accent was a bit thick... for 5 minutes later, we had someone knocking on our room door with band aids.
So I woke up sleeping beauty and we went out for a walk around the city...Nice has a lot of odd individuals or should I say a very eccentric collection of individuals. For example, the local beaches were filled with drunk teenagers throwing rocks at each other (ouch), we saw a Micheal Jackson look-a-like dancing on the street, and a bum who had trained his dog to pretend he was dead in front of him. It was cute in my opinion.
Today is lucky 7/7/07. Abizer and I decided to go try our luck in one of the local casino's. I guess lucky 7's wasn't really lucky since we lost money instead of winning any...But it was fun overall. They have a different version of roulette here, then what we are used to in the US, which was fun to watch and learn. I also tried to pick up Stud Poker.. but by the time I had the balls to sit down and play after watching and learning for 2 hours... they closed the table! Grr.
So today we went to Monaco, which happens to be the 2nd smallest country after the Vatican. It was gorgeous with its ritzy hotels, designer boutiques, formula one car racing on the streets, and an eligible prince. We also went to Monte-Carlo, a city inspired by casinos, celebrities, expensive cars, and money.
On the way back to Nice, we went to a small town called Eze. It was medieval, in its architecture with its high fortress-like walls and cobblestone roads. They snaked through out the aged kingdom sporting little shops out of every nook and cranny. I bought the most adorable artwork from one of the little stores. It was funny since the guy came and asked which one we wanted to buy. Abs and I, stared at him, and then and each other, and then both of us said two different things at the same time. We ended up getting both. We are still debating as to whose artwork is better... Hmph.
On the drive back from Monaco, we saw where Grace Kelly, the American actress who married the Prince of Monaco, and therefore became Princess Grace of Monaco,who on September 13, 1982, while driving with her daughter Stephanie to Monaco from their country home suffered a stroke, causing her car to plunge down the mountainside. We also saw the 1st James Bond's country home (Sean Connery).
Today we decided to have a change from our normal sleeping pattern of sleeping until 4 in the afternoon and then getting up and going sightseeing...to sleeping until 4 in the afternoon and going swimming in the pool instead...good no? Apparently the winds from the Mediterranean Sea have chilled the ocean water to roughly 20 C. The radio is claiming though that the jellyfish are to arrive in the waters in about a week which means that the water temperatures will be going up to about 25 C.....I think its all very amusing.. I hate swimming in the ocean anyhow with its salty water, which always ends up in my nose and eyes...eek. On a side note, they don't have any sand on their beaches here, which is odd. They only have rocks. I really don't understand how they sunbathe...
Oh I have great news.. I don't understand French one bit.. honestly.. I thought the tour guide said our flower market is a beautiful place to visit.. and so I dragged hubby dearest.. only to find a "flea" market.. it was quite a bummer I must say. growl. ohhh ohhh ohh.. by the way Harry Potter is coming out soon.. like really really soon.. ohh ohh ohh.. okay calm down khush.. breathe.. Did I also mention that I saw prostitutes in the evening.. I have never been so up close and personal.. I was amused.. they were well dressed.. but when they tried to pick up Abizer I went into karate chop mode. Hiya!
Camera.. lights.. action.. we went to Cannes today! Yeah... to be quite honest.. its quite a bland looking building, and its hard to imagine that actors and actresses of the world come there... They had hand prints.. and cute little street actors. I took a few pictures with them. Lol what.. they amused me.. Also, they had cut outs of famous movie characters. I posed in a few. Shall post them when I get a chance. Ohh.. guess what.. Nice has the cutest little movie theater.. we saw Ocean's 13 tonight. It was a great movie.. Nice eye candy with hunks like Brad Pitt and George. I figure Abs and I succumbed to our desires and finally had Indian food here. It wasn't half bad. A bit sweeter but overall it did the job of satisfying us until we get home.
Totally feel like a movie star today.. we went to St. Tropez.. girlish giggle. I know! We took a boat ride and saw celebrity villa's that were owned by people like Paris Hilton, the Princess of Monaco, some drug cartels home, and Beyonce. Actually forget the houses I was more amused by the beautiful yachts. God they were beautiful. One of them was 50 million dollars...it sailed right past us.. more like glided.. hehe. But I must say St. Tropez is expensive...boo!!! Afterwards we went to a small city that was built to resemble Venice.. we decided to rent a boat.. I drove around for a bit.. and then switched with Abizer... who decided to get into a boat accident.. Another boat rammed into us. No one injured.. not to worry.
Sitting at the airport now.. waiting for our flight to board.. can't wait to come back home.. Bye.