Monday, February 26, 2007

Dancing with Wolves

I swear you know you are getting older.. when you can't remember what you did 2 days ago. phish phosh you say.. but fucking freaky is what I would say. Seriously I can't remember what I did Friday.. which is soo creepy.

hmm... I have a foggy recollection.. of dancing..
Okay. It all just hit me.

Let me continue again. So Friday was actually an interesting jumbled set of people who couldn't dance. Friday evening, we decided to go to a bar in Fanueil Hall called Taps. They had a cover band playing called "Boston Commons" which for those who don't know is the name of a park in Beantown. My friend is the singer in the band... and imagine, I have known the fellow for ages and this was my first time hearing him sing.. and that to I stumbled upon him by accident since I didn't know his band was playing that night. Astronomical.

So we met up with the gang at the bar, which was semi-empty considering it was a Friday night, but that didn't deter the group from chugging back a few beers, tequila shots, and mixed drinks. I sat idly on a bar stool listening to the band since I was in no mood for drinking since I had slept only 2 hours the night before cramming for an exam. I proceeded to observe the oddest thing after sitting for a while. Everyone dancing was severely and obviously developmentally retarded. I observed one girl hump the living daylights out of a 6ft giant while bending so far backwards I was afraid her spine was going to splinter out of her chest and whack him in the face. Hopefully making him wake up and see the individual in front of him, who was more than capable of winning the role for the next "Carrie" sequel.

I then saw another individual. This time it was a man. He was in his early 40's I'd say with some distinguished gray peeking through the messy black hair on his head. He looked normal. That was until the music started and then he looked like he was having catatonic seizures on the dance floor. The bass guitarist did a solo.. and the man's head went deranged. Can you picture a bobble head doll? Imagine it with a pug face and the resemblance is uncanny.

Besides the flash back to the Grease Lightening days, we had a fun time trying to figure out where to put our jackets, where Sejal disappeared to, and where to find a cab from.

We decided to hit up Geetha's house party afterwards which was somewhere on Huntington Street. I finally got to meet her adorable twin brother's, one of whom goes to BU and the other who goes to BC. I watched as Abizer and Rosh raped the competition and the wall shortly after in beer pong, caught up with my long lost bridesmaid G-Unit, and observed a new mating dance on the dance floor. I was quite perplexed and that was just Friday imagine.

Shall try to recollect Saturday, and Sunday.. but all I remember is 2 new LV purses... awesome, and watching the movie Norbit. I've really got to go on medication to remember things better.. hpmh.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Will you be my Valen... (shotgun blast heard)...

I haven't written in a while. Not that I have a set agenda to write every night, but I do like to clear my head by writing things/events down. Eventually categorizing them into a chapter of my life. Otherwise before I know it, time has flown by and I am left in a whirlwind of dust wondering, "where was I when that happened?" Okay enough philosophical clutter for the mind, let's move onto more endearing topics.

For instance, the holiday of Valentine's Day. Personally I think it's overrated. People and their nonsensical chatter about cupid and the size of his phallus (mind you he is a dwarf), to the topic of who got more flowers.. the ugly girl in the first row of lecture or the deranged, maniacal, beast in the back row, ending at where they are going to sit and cry after dinner when their boyfriends break up with them. As much as I am a hopeless romantic, it's strictly for the movie based fluff.

Another topic on my mind is why do people drink to make their pain go away. First of all it's quite apparent that when one drinks they get even more emotional than before. Common we are mostly semi-college educated individuals… Therefore when putting two and two together you deduce that the pain you felt to begin with is amplified. No? So then why try to drink it away in the first place.

Hmm…just something I was wondering about that's all.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Smothered Voice

I wonder why people talk to others...
No one really pays any attention anyways..
So why waste that extra breath of oxygen to begin with..

Makes me wonder...
Why we even bother voicing our opinions to begin with...

Do I annoy other's to the extent that they just start to tune me out?
Must be so...

Why not just smother my voice..
That should solve the problem...

Smothered Voice - Isky