Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Darkness is only measurable by the lack of Light

Every day.. there will be a new challenge... Can you succeed? Will you let them push you down? Prove it to yourself.

It's ironic that the speech I give my students; most of whom are growing up in an impoverished, gang infested war zone is identical to the one I recite to myself every morning. I don't consider myself weak, far from it actually. But I am human.. and to err is human.. and to crumble is also inevitably human as well.

It's just been one of those days/weeks/months/school year... I'm depleted. I miss the simple things which used to make me smile. Those who know me...probably define me as quite the sarcastic, mumbling...psychopath. Maybe acting is a better choice of career rather than medicine.. unless I am going into pyschiatry. 

Perhaps I'm just in self pity
Or overly absorbed
With my current situation
Nevertheless I feel the irritation
The continual stress and frustration
Not to mention the perpetual accusation
I have no energy to defend myself
Emotionally I am utterly exhausted

No time to be drained
Give me strength
In the midst of intimidation
When I need to be bold
Remove all hesitation

Maybe I'm just airing out
My loneliness
Or perhaps self-actualizing
Nevertheless myself I'm not despising
Nor others who get me down
Ask of me more than can be found
For I too live in flesh and blood
And have my limitations