Just throw a Glass at them...
I have pulled a muscle in my neck. It must have been how I was sleeping since I was fine yesterday. Ugh, it hurts. Not to mention I look like an idiot when I have to look left since I have to turn my whole body.
Romeo and Juliet, Marc Antony and Cleopatra, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett - all great lovers...
Layla and Majnun, Heer Ranjha, Mumtaz and Shah Jahan - Why is that in Indian love stories, the girl's name comes first? It's odd no?
As it turns out in the last 50 years, India's automobile population has grown 170 times while the road infrastructure has expanded only 9 times. The main roads are narrow and in poor conditions. They are used for sleeping, walking and somewhere down the lane serve as "Temporary Shops". Vendors often encroach upon streets and block sidewalks, restricting traffic. The pedestrian's right of way at road crossings is something of a dream, making "Jay Walking" a common phenomenon.
- Rule of Mortality
"If you are afraid of Death, Better stay at Home."
- Rule to Give Way
"Give way to animals, beggars, double parked heavy trucks, buses and cars. Don't hit them, just flow around them. Amongst the motorists, he who is the loudest has the right-to-way. On road, traffic entering a road from the left has priority. So has traffic from the right, and also traffic in the middle."
- Indian Driver Mantra
""To slow is to falter, to brake is to fail, to stop is defeat". In observance of this rule three things are required of every licensed driver:"Good Horn", "Good Brakes" and "Good Luck". Most drivers don't drive; they just aim their vehicle in the intended direction."
- Rule of Horn
"He who is the loudest wins. Use of a horn is mandatory, if you wish to pass anything, honk horn. If you don't have a horn, shout."
- Rule for Accidents
"Never stop for an accident, "That's karma," or in the case of a big collision, "That's truckma". Truck drivers of India are licensed to kill."
- Rules of Speed
"Speed limit is palpably ignored. Signs are ineffectual and traffic will move at the fastest speed possible."
- Rules of Roundabouts
"India recognizes no roundabouts."
- Rules for Overtaking
"Every moving vehicle is required to overtake every other moving vehicle, irrespective of whether it has just overtaken you or whether you are in a rush or not. Indian drivers overtake amazingly, especially where there absolutely no sensible opportunity exists."