Friday, April 11, 2008

Another night withers away into the approaching dawn

Well its Friday night.. and here I am... talking to my television.. which amusingly enough talks back in snippets via commercials.

Yeah go me....I'm finally withering away mentally.

I wonder what life will be like in 10 years... I speak with my friends and we have come to the conclusion that this topic is a bit risky and it is best to leave it alone...True it is.. but can it be much different that the life I lead now...I wonder. I already spent my adolescence acting like a middle-aged women, what will I be when I am actually middle-aged.

There's something about music...that soothes the wildness in me. True, I'm not that wild.. but then again when was I given a chance to ever be...But something about arabic instrumental music... soothing.. kind of like overdosing on nyquil.. which makes no sense. But then again nothing in this post does right..

Let me end on a good note...Here's a video that should make you smile.


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